in my mind

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the dress and the suit.

Vic's p.o.v.

we were just looking around in the lab.
looking at all the equipment and seeing all the weapons and stuff.
but something felt wrong.
not about the lab, but my stomach started to twist and i feel something trickle down my nose.
i dip to feel what it is and see a black fluid on my finger.
at that moment (yn) falls against a wall and i see she has silver blood coming out of her nose and mouth.
i try to run to her, but the exact same thing happens to me.

i lose balance and fall against a wall.
'what's happening?' Cisco asks.
'i don't-' (yn)'s cut of when she pukes silver fluids.
more blood starts trickling down my nose and i can feel myself lose consciousness.
before i fall down, (yn) falls down to.
it's all a blur from there.
we're layed down on a bed and infuses are put in our arms.
our beds are right beside each other
and with my last power, i grab her hand lightly, an then i'm out.


it's all white.
i'm in a weird suit, it's white too.
i hear a distant voice.
'hey is anybody there!?' i yell and i see someone in a beautiful black dress.
the figure runs to me and i recognize her as (yn).
she hugs me and looks at me.
'how did we get here?' she asks me.
'remember i can get in your mind when i touch you.' i tell her and she gives me a small 'aww'
'but honestly, i don't know what this place is.' we look around.

like i said, almost everything is white.
but not everything, somethings are black.
then i recognize the thing as doors.
we walk to a black door and open it.
it was the food fight we had in thr cafeteria 6 years ago.
from (yn)'s point of view.
then we go to a white door and open it.
it's the camping trip in the woods from 2 years ago.
but from my point of view.
'i think these are our minds combined.' she says.

'i think too, but how?' i ask her.
'we're twins right?' she says and i nod.
'maybe it makes some kind of mind connection when you touch me, cause normally you can look at other peoples memories , but they can't look at yours, so this is some kind of connection only we have.' she explains.
'that makes sense.' i say.
suddenly her eyes grow wide.
'what if the organisation planned this and attacks now, it would be so much easier now that we're out.' she says.

my eyes grow wide too and i think about what she just said.
'we need to get out of here.' we start running but (yn) gets behind.
'common!' i yell.
'you try running in these heels.' she takes of her heels and we run further.
we pass many doors untill we arrive at a bigger one, with one white part and one part black.
we try to open it but it's stuck.
'auras?' she asks and i nod.

she starts blasting her silver auras and i start blasting my black ones.
slowly the doors starts to crack.
white and black cracks are seen.
they grow bigger and bigger.
but we start to drain ourselves from our powers, and we get exhausted.
our eyes start to close but we push ourselves and go through with it.
the cracks get huge until a big flash goes of and we see a light.

the mind palace from sherlock
from the next chapter on it will get really interesting
just to be clear one last time
now that that's said
hope you like it
love you all❤️
mis geeky

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