on one condition

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(yn)'s p.o.v.

we all stand still.
hoping we would dissapear.
the lips of the superheroes are moving but i don't hear anything.
it's silent, you could hear a pin drop.
and then i'm snapped back into reality.
'what the hell was that?!' Oliver yells.
'um i-i-' i'm not even able to make full sentences.
'you have had powers all this time and you didn't think about telling us.'
Barry yells.

the rest is just looking dissapointed at us.
i look at my friends in the corner of my eyes and with my enhanced hearing i can hear their heartbeat.
all our heart are beating at an unimaginable rate.
a single silver tear runs down my face.
'you know we need to give you to ARGUS now.' that's what snaps me out of my trance.
'wait no you can't!' i yell and everyone looks at me.

'and why in gods name not?!' yells Wells.
'we knew this was going to be your reaction, and i knew that you wouldn't give me a chance if you knew we had powers!' i yell back.
that seems to shut them up.
it seems like they know i was right.
'please, we know we fucked up and we're sorry but did you hear what he said.' i was referring to my dad.

'he said we were not ready for what was about to come, it means he's planning something and if we're with ARGUS there is no way you'll defeat him.' i tell them, and they all nod.
Vic speaks up.
'(yn), i know what he's planning.' he says and my head snaps in his direction.
'what?!' i yell.
'i know what he's planning.' he repeats.

'we need to get inside, and gear up, 'cause this was just to distract us, the real attack will happen very soon.' he says, and i nod.
we walk inside and sit at the table.
'now can you please explain.' Febe says.
'well, he planned on getting us all together and killing all your kids.' he starts.
'ya we really didn't know that already.' Stan sassed.
now that we could use our powers, Febe sent an aura to him to slap him in the face.

'auw.' he puts a hand on his red cheek and i snicker.
Vic continues.
'anyway, he wanted you all together without back up, in the past two years he made an entire army of genoxides, and they're ready to attack.' we all look at him terrified.
'he wants us to suffer before he captures us and erases our memories about each other and everything about ourselves.' Vic says and we all stay silent.

'so he plans on capturing us how?' Zita asks.
'he'll bring all his genoxes and all his normal soldiers, he'll do everything in his power to get to us, and when he does he wants us to break into the pentagon and murder the president.' he says.
we all look at the table and fiddle with our fingers.
'so how are we supposed to defeat him?' asks Febe.
'i don't know, from the information i have, Daminet has around 5000 genoxes and around 7000 normal soldiers.' Vic says.

'that are 12000 people we are supposed to kill!' Zita yells.
'guys, not to interupt or something, but what if we ask ARGUS' help.'
Caitlyn says.
we all turn to her and give a her a loud and short 'NO!'
she surrenders and sits back down.
Oliver sighes and stands up.
'i have something that may help.' he says.
he walks out of the living room and goes down a hall i never noticed before.

he stops in front of a closet and pushes it aside, revealing an elevator.
'get in.' and we walk into the elevator.
we go down and the doors open.
it reveals a big lab, full of suits, weapons and much more.
'we had a big security system installed, machine guns under the grass and such.' he says as we all look around.

'you can use this as something to kill the most soldiers, but on one condition.' he says.
'anything.' Zita says fast.
'when this is all over, you're gonna give yourself to ARGUS.'
he says and we all gasp.
we all look at each other and give each other reasurring looks.
'if that's what it takes to take down the organisation, so be it.' i stick out my hand to shake Olivers.
'we'll show them what happens when you mess with the troubled kids.'

new chapter
2020 is going great
Australia is burning
Trump is going to war
and i just can't get over the fact that one direction broke up
but that aside
i hope you like it
love you all❤️
mis geeky

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