don't give me that sh*t

171 3 0

(yn)'s p.o.v.

we just stood there,
crying in each others arms,
like no on was watching us.
we were tought that showing emotions would get us killer, bit we didn't care.
when we finally calmed down, we went into the mansion and gave Zita a blanket and hot coco.
she sat there, quitly, i've never seen her this quit.
it was a bit scary to be honest.
the three of us say beside her while the superheroes stood behind us, discussing the fact that they now had 4 criminals to take care of, without letting ARGUS know.

'how are you doing?' i asked her.
'don't give me that ''how are you doing'' shit (yln).' she says with a grin.
'you didn't lose your sense of humor i see.' Febe says.
we all sighed.
'but really, how are you?' i ask.
'like the organisation found me and killed all the kids i was supposed to protect.' she says sad.
we all nod.
'they did the same to us.' Stan says.
'the exact same thing.' Febe says.
'just to get us together.' i finish.

they all looked a bit confused.
'what do you mean?' Zita speaks up.
'well i just thought about something.'
i say looking at the fire before me.
'if they wanted us dead, they would've already killed us, so there needs to be a bigger plan they're working on, i don't know what plan, but we need to find out.' i say.
i then think of something i forgot to tell her.
'um Zita there's something we need to tell you.' i say.
i look at Febe.
'why are you looking at me like that?'
she says.

'i told Stan last time it's your turn.'
i say her.
'why doesn't Stan tell her, he fainted.'
she bickers.
'i'm not telling her, you guys tell her.'
Stan complains.
'just tell me!' Zita says a bit louder to shut us up.
i look at Febe and do something with my eyes so she knows i'm not telling Zita.
Febe sighes and turns to Zita.
'um we found out, Vic is still alive.'
Febe says.

Zita looks shocked but then a smile creeps up on her face.
'why are you smiling?' Stan says.
'is he brainwashed?' she says.
'ya we think so, why?' i ask her.
'when i was on a trip in Egypt, i found a scientist who showed me a way to snap someone out of brainwashing, without hurting them.'
she says.
'so we can make him remember?' Febe says exited.
Zita nods.
'i'm afraid that won't be necessary.'
we hear a voice say.
we turn around and see..................

oooh cliffhanger
but lets be real
you already know who it is
don't you
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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