together from beginning to end

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(yn)'s p.o.v.

Daminet seems frightened, for the first time in a long time.
now that the other genoxes have stepped aside, it may be easier to defeat him.
Vic takes my hand and looks me in eye.
'till death?' he asks me.
'till death.' i assure him.
'we got into this world together-' he says.
'and we'll leave it together to.' i finish his sentence.

'DAMINET!!!' i roar.
'HAHA, YOU DELUSIONAL CHILDREN, EVEN WHEN YOU TRY YOUR BEST I WILL ALWAYS WIN!!!' Daminet laughs, it looks like he has been possessed.
my eyes are glowing white, and the vains under my eyes are glowing to.
Vic his eyes are black as the night, so are the vains under his eyes.
'lets end this once and for all.' i say.

the auras surround our bodies and morph together, into a huge aura orb.
our voices become demon like.
our hands move up and our auras shoot out.
Daminet's auras hit ours and a huge blast trows everyone of balance, of course not us.
we try to hold balance but Daminet is still really strong.
his auras come closer to our hands.
once they touch our hands, it's over.
'COMMON!!!' i yell and we take a step forward.

Daminet's auras leave our hands, but they're still close suddenly we hear gunshots.
but we don't stop.
cars from ARGUS drive onto the property and start fighting the soldiers without powers, who haven't listened, and didn't surrender.
we slowly started to get tiered, but we couldn't stop now.
we take another step forward and our auras go closer to Daminet's hands.

but i can feel my head starting to hurt.
in a puddle of water, i can see glowing white cracks appearing on my face.
i can see black cracks appearing on Vic's face to.
Daminet's face starts to crack to.
'they're are killing themselves!!!' i can hear Febe yell.
in the puddle i can see black cracks appearing in my glowing white eyes, and white cracks in Vic's eyes.

i look at him.
'we got into this world together-' i tell him calmly.
'and we'll leave together.' he finishes.
we take another step forward, and i can see the cracks in Daminet's face grow bigger and bigger.
before i go, i look around.
the soldiers without powers are being handcuffed and trown into card.
the one with powers are helped.
i look at my friends, who have tears in their eyes.

then i look at the superheroes behind them.
they are crying already.
they all know what is about to happen.
i smile and i single white tear runs down my face.
i nod and give them a reassuring look.
i look back at Daminet and then at Vic.
i nod.
he nods back.
with our last power, we take another step forward and Daminet screams.

and finally after such a long battle, a life we've been living in fear.
with experiments, lock ups, finding and losing friends.
even when death separated us, we found our way back to each other.
that's when it all stops.
the auras explode, and we slowly dissapear.

our white and black ashes swirl down onto the ground.
as we take a last look at our friends.
i look at Daminet, who is also turning to ash.
i take Vic's hand in mine.
'together from  the beginning-' he takes our hands to our chest and says.
'to the end.' with that, the rest of our bodies turn to dust.

don't worry
it's not over yet
just a few more chapters.
hope you like it
love you all❤️
mis geeky

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