who are you

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(yn)'s p.o.v.

i woke up with a beating headache.
what the hell happened.
then i remembered what happened to my friends.
my eyes tear up but i wipe them fast when i hear someone coming.
a lady with brown hair walked in.
'a so you're awake.' she says and she types something on her tablet.
'um ya, who are you exactly?' i ask her.
'oh i'm Caitlyn Snow.' she says.
she smiles at me.
'where am i?' i look around and i looks like something out of a sci-fi movie.

'you're in star labs.' she says.
'star labs?' i look around even more confused.
'how did get here?' i ask her.
'you so ask a lot of questions.' she snickers.
'you could say that.' i stand up and almost lose my balance.
'come with me, my colleges will be able to answer your questions.' she says.
'your colleges?' i say confused.
'so how do you feel?' Caitlyn says.

'like my friends got killed.' i say looking at the ground.
'so you remember that.' she says.
i look at her with tears in my eyes.
'how could i forget that.' i choke out.
'hey, it's gonna be okay.' she puts a hand on my shoulder.
'i was supposed to protect them.' a tear falls down my face.
she wipes it away and walks me into a room full of people.
'so you're awake.' someone says.
i don't answer and look at the ground.
'how do you feel?' someone else asks me.
again, i keep my mouth shut.

'we can't help you if you don't talk to us.' they say.
'i never asked for your help.' i say quietly.
'what did you say.' a guy with long hair says.
'i didn't ask for your help.' i say more stern and i look up.
they all look shocked when they see the tears in my eyes.
'if you wouldn't have distracted me, i would've found a way to help my friends!' i yell and tears run down my face.

'it's all my fault, i was supposed to protect them and i failed!' i sob.
'every time i try to do something good' i choke out between tears
'my loved ones die.' i start to hyperventilate.
'the universe keeps me alive only because they want to hurt me, no other reason.' i can't breath again.
computers start to beep and i see they are monitoring my heartbeat.
'(yn) you need to calm down.' Caitlyn says. she tries to put her hands on my shoulder.

'LEAVE ME ALONE!' i yell.
my eyes turn white.
i close my eyes and clench my fists.
i take a deep breath.
i open my eyes and they are back to their (yec) color.
'i-i'm sorry.' i choke out.
i stumble back and try to breath normally.
'it's okay, but you need to tell us who you are and who those people were.'
someone says.

'only when you explained to me who you are.' i say.
a guy with a bow and arrow sighes.
'i'm Oliver Queen, this is Barry Allen,
that's Cisco, you already met Caitlyn,
Sarah and the other two guys already went back to the mansion' he stops and looks down
'we're team arrow and flash.' he says.
my eyes widen.
'oh shit nuggets.' i say.
'that's was it for staying hidden.' i say.

'we looked you up on the database and before 8 months ago, you and all your friends didn't excist.' Oliver says.
'now enlighten us with your explanation.' he says.
there's no way i'm talking myself out of this one.
'we were all a part of a secret society named the organisation' i look at the ground
'they did experiments on us to make us more superior.' i grab my bracelet and connect it to the computer.

documents appear and i continue.
'i was the one with the most experiment done on me, 311 to be exact.' they all gasp.
'they never let me out, same with my friends.' i say.
'all your friend?!' Barry yells.
'no those were kids who escaped with us but my close friends.'
i say
'continue, being locked up 24/7 drove us nuts, so we made a secret passageway and a machine to-' i stop.
should i tell them.
i sigh.
'to?' Caitlyn asks.

'to be able to travel to every part of the world in a few seconds.' i say.
'you need to promise me you wont get mad when i continue.' i say.
'promise.' everyone says.
'we needed the machine so we could go to different parts of the world so we could' i stop and sigh
'so we could create chaos, trash city's, kill people, all that stuff.'
my shoulders drop.
'we did this three times a month, different city's, different days.'
i look at the ground.

'we made a name for ourselves really fast. the goverment and the organisation wanted to know who we were, they wanted to know who could be so smart to bypass the goverment and the orgenisation.'
i look at them in fear.
'they didn't know that all there problems lived across the hall from them.'
they all looked shocked and confused.
'(yn) what are you trying to tell us?'
Cisco asks.
i look them dead in the eye and say
'i am a member of the troubled kids.'

dun dun dun
sorry i didn't update yesterday
i didn't have time
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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