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3rd person p.o.v.

they all backed away and Oliver pointed an arrow at her.
Cisco an Caitlyn were confused.
'wait who are the troubled kids?'
Cisco asks.
'they are just a terrorist group of teenagers.' Barry says.
Oliver is still pointing an arrow at her.
'we need to give her to ARGUS.' Sarah says.
'no please i fought so hard for my freedom i can't lose it again.' (yn) pleeds.

'plus if they killed all my kids they're gonna kill the rest to.' she says.
'what do you mean the rest.' Oliver says.
she sighes and looks at them.
'we knew that if we put all the kids together, we would be found within the month, so we divided the kids into four groups.' she's fizzling with her sleeve.
'so my friends and i each took a group and went to different parts of the world. we erased the memory of each others hiding spot so if one of us was found, they wouldn't find it in our head.' she says.

'they're gonna kill the rest of the kids and maybe even my friends i cannt
let that happen.' she says.
she's still fizzling with her sleeve but
looks at the ground.
'look i just want to assure that they are safe, if that's for sure, you can give me to ARGUS' she says.
the superheroes look at each other.
'we need to think it truh first.' Barry says.

they walk out of the room and sit down.
(yn) sits down and puts her face in her hands.
'what am i gonna do.' she mumbles.
Sarah walks over to her.
she pats her back and sits beside her.
(yn) looks at Sarah confused.
'why are you comforting me?' she asks.
'because i know how you are feeling.'
she says.
'i was pronounced dead for 5 years and i tried to stay hidden, but i found out that you can't live without loved ones or people who care about you.'
she says.

'and i was part of the legue of assasins and ARGUS wanted me to, but if there are people who can keep you from them, it's Oliver and Barry.'
she says.
'thank you.' (yn) says.
she hugs Sarah when team flash and arrow walk back in.
'we have discussed the matter and we have agreed to let you help your friends and then we'll see if we give you to ARGUS.' Oliver says.

(yn) runs to them and hugs them.
they all look stunned but eventually hug back.
'thank you so much, i wont let you regret this.' she says.
they pull away and Oliver puts his hands on her shoulders.
'but you need to know, you get one chance, ONE' he puts on finger up
'if you screw up, the deal is over, got it?' he says.
'got it.' and (yn) nods.
'but first you're gonna need to get your stuff from the school.' he says.
oh no

short chapter
i know sorry
my exams start in 4 days
so if i don't update you know why
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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