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(yn) p.o.v.

walking into that school is like walking into hell.
everyone is looking at me.
what would you do if the girl who's friends got murdered in the hallways goes back to school, with a bunch of adults walking behind her.
i go to my locker and take all my books.
when that happens we go to my room to get all my clothes.
i walk back into the hallway and all eyes are on me.
i can't do this
i say to myself.

i walk down the hall but stop in the middle when i see everyone looking at me.
everything starts to get fuzzy and i start sweating.
'(yn) are you okay?' i hear a distant voice ask.
'n-no.' i say silently before i fall to my knees and trow up a silver fluid.
the silver fluid drip down my
mouth while everyone is looking at me.

i feel the second round coming but Caitlyn rubs my back so i don't trow up again.
i try to stand up but lose my balance and fall on a locker.
but after 311 experiments falling is like punching something full force.
my hand falls through the locker.
what i see shockes me.
it's the symbol of the organisation carved in de back.
i look inside with the eyes of the superheroes burning in my back.
i see a list of names and notice it are all names of the escaped kids.

a mole.
god dammit i should've known.
a mole doesn't only have a list.
i look through the books and notice the names on the books.
Audrey L.
Audrey was the mole, seriously, i trusted her.
but that's not important right now.
i knock on the back of the locker and it's hollow.
i pul at the back and it comes of.
what the hell
it was a secret cupboard.

i grabble in the cupboard and touch something.
i pull it out and it's a laptop.
i put it in my bag together with the list and turn around.
the superheroes are standing behind me confused.
i show them the computer and say
'tracking point.'
'let's go.' i say.
i get into the car and we start driving.
i open the laptop and try to open the files.
locked, of course, this is not gonna be easy.

when i look out the window, i see we're driving past the lab.
'where are we going?' i say scared.
'don't worry we're just going to our mansion.' Barry says.
'mansion?' i say confused.
'you didn't think we lived it the lab, did you.' Cisco says.
'no of course not.' i shrug it of.
when we arrive i see a big mansion.
'welcome to superhero mansion.'
Oliver says.

'it was Queen mansion a while ago but when my mother died they came to live here.' he says.
i look around and a teenage girl runs down the stairs.
'Oli!' she yells.
'and teenage girl.' she looks at me.
i stick out my hand and say
'(yn)' she shakes my hand and says
a man walks in and says.
'wells.' i look at hime confused and he shackes my hand.
'nice to meet you.' he says.
'likewise.' i say.
'welcome to your new home.' Caitlyn says.

i just found out i have writen 'through' wrong in all my story's
sorry for that
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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