Stupid crush

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"DREAM YOU FUCKIN ARSEHOLE!", a raspy child like voice said. I winced slightly seeing as the sudden loudness hurt my ears.

"Oh come on now, Tommy. You could have seen that coming." Dreams voice called out in vc2, making the corners of my mouth tilt a little upwards.

They were playing bedwars together with Tubbo and Ranboo while I was listening and talking with chat. I sent a glance towards the twitch chat, seeing it was mostly filled with HE SAID THE THING or L. I let out a giggle which caught Tommys attention.

"Why are you giggling George!? It's not my fault this fuckin bastard play an ungodly amount of Minecraft!". I could hear Dream let out a low wheeze in response, and Tubbo laugh at Tommys antics.

I looked over at my second monitor and saw Dream aim for Tommy with his bow while he weren't looking. I stiffened a laugh to see the action unfold.

Dream aimed over their head and let go. It hit his character right in the head while Tommy was crossing a chaotic looking green and blue bridge made out of wool (or yellow, i couldn't really tell).

"DREAAAAAM! I DONT WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE." Tommy screamed. His reaction was pretty funny and I could hear Ranboo basically deflating by wheezing trying to catch his breath.

Moments like these always filled my heart even if i didn't show it. I was never really the type of person to express my emotions very well. It had just been like that since high school after I lost my dad. It had just been me, my brother Gabriel (or Gabe as i liked to call him) and my mum since then.

"Yeah, im good for quitting bedwars man", Tubbo said after the laugher had died a bit down. I nodded my head even if they couldn't see it, and ran my hand through my hair to get it out of my face. My hair had gotten fairly long by now. I honestly liked it.

Ranboo an Tubbo decided to dip while the three of us was still in the call. Eventually Sapnap had joined as well, just chatting with everyone on stream. I read up different donos I could catch and for the most part gave an answer.

"Just joined. How are you today Gogy?", the donation read.

"Thank you for the dono! I am doing good thanks", I responded with a dopey smile. Sometimes just talking with chat instead of gaming gave me a refreshing feeling.

Another dono popped up and i read it out loud. "It's my birthday! Can you say happy birthday Emma?".

"There, i just did", i giggled, earning a chuckle from Dream. I had almost forgotten that he was here, which surprised me slightly since I had all my attention turned towards chat.

"What is your favourite thing about Dream?", another donation showed up.

"Yeah, Gogy, what would that be?", i heard Sapnap ask in a suggestive tone.

I rolled my eyes and sat there one second, thinking of a good answer, but already knowing it. However, knowing my chat well, I knew I would definitely regret this, but I honestly couldn't care less in that moment.

I do enjoy his laugh a lot.. It always gave me a sense of comfort and i felt oddly safe. -Even if he was on the other side of the earth.

"Probably his laugh, I dunno", I tried to speak in a monotone sounding voice, acting as if I didn't think about Dream every second of the day. His laugh, I thought again, craving it.

I started fidgeting with my hands under my desk. Normally I would play with the stings on my hoodie, but didn't want to be seen doing that on stream. I really needed to forget about my stupid, stupid crush on Dream, my friend.

Despite my bored sounding response the chat was filled with 'Awwwws'. I also couldn't help but to notice Dreams silent end of the call. It's fine. He is probably- ugh just don't think about it.

Yet again I read a dono, moving on. "You look very pretty today". My eyes widened the tiniest bit and a half smile spread across my face, but one could barely even notice. I stayed silent though. Not knowing how to answer the compliment.

Now that I think about it, I rarely knew how to answer compliments. Currently the music were the only noice to be heard.

"They are right Georgie. You are very pretty." A honey laced voice spoke up.

"W-what-", I said with a thick accent not believing my ears. My face heated up as I covered my cheeks with my sleeve paws at Dreams sudden comment after being silent for a while.

Don't get me wrong, I should have been used to the constant flirting from him by now, but I wasn't. And the worst part was that he obviously doesn't mean it in the way I wish he did.

A cough from Sapnap breaks the ten second silence. Dream just laughed. And I sat there bewildered.

"George! You're blushing hehe", Sapnap continued. That's when i snapped back to reality and shook my head to myself for being so dumb. Everyone just saw me fucking blush on stream. UGHHHH.

And then Tommy of course just had to open his mouth. "You and Dream act weird around each other ", he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, being completely over this already.

Yet another donation popped up on the screen, saving me from defending myself from Sapnap and Tommy, or so i thought.

"Dnf confirmed??". I mentally slapped myself for reacting that way. Why did I have to fucking blush, great.

We are just friends, I reminded myself yet again. Best friends... Yeah.

"Yeah totally real guys. We are obviously gonna kiss when we meet up", Dream spoke up with a cocky voice letting me know he was definitely smirking. My eyes widened as I just laughed it off, knowing it was just a joke to him.


I then glanced at chat seeing it filled with '💚💙' hearts.

Not even a second after Dream said that, I simply said to 'shut up'. Sapnap was laughing his ass off and so was Dream. I couldn't help but to feel a bit sad, but i kept up my straight face.

It's a joke, George. Stop.

"Actually though, I really want to meet up with you George. Even Tommy fucking innit", Sapnap said. He paused for a second before he continued. "What if we get a group together and just travel somewhere!". He sounded pretty exited at the thought.

"Very funny Sippy cup. But yeah! I'd be up for it king, if Ranboo and Tubbo tag along", Tommy replied calmly for the first time this night.

"Do not call me that Tom." Tommy only laughed. "How about next week!? Let's be spontaneous and live a little! Come on guys!", Sapnap said enthusiastically.

"I mean, i would be down if everyone's schedules lined up", I added.

Wait. That would only mean that I would get to see Dreams face for the first time.. My face heated up. Im just glad others would be coming too as a distraction.

I noticed that i had zoned out and quickly collected myself.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna end stream now. Thank you guys for coming, its been fun. Buh bai! Bai! Bai bai!", i waved my hands and clicked the end live button. I sighed softly, feeling relieved that i wasn't being watched potentially blushing again.

"Alright... How about... I text different people right now?", Dream concluded.

1275 words
First chapter done. Pog.

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