The coverup

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I regret it.
I regret not saying anything about it. I actually am an idiot.

The entire time we were cycling back all I could think about was the weird place we are now in. Dream had a rant the entire way back about aliens, which was an interesting topic to listen to, but when I occasionally zoned out of the convention, us was the only thing I thought of. We both love each other more than friends, that much is obvious, but now what?

Maybe we just wait for a little while longer until we're ready and know what we want?

But.. I know what I want.

I want to wake up next to an angelic looking Dream every morning, with hair so messy that I run my fingers through it and kiss him good night in the evenings —or any other time of the day for that sake, since our sleeping schedules are pretty bad. To call him my boyfriend and that he is all mine. No one else's.

I want to pepper gentle kisses all over to make up for the lost time, every kiss making it worth the wait.

And when I finally get my visa, I move to Florida into the Dream team house. Our house. There I will never feel alone, because I could find him so easily in the next room at all times. We can go back and forth from our offices, drape our arms over the others' shoulders when we're doing work and even when we stream. Because then it wouldn't matter. Because then, when that time comes, Dream had already done a face reveal.

If I had the pleasure of calling him my boyfriend, would we even tell our fans? Some of our friends when we're ready, sure, but our fans? Well, probably, when the time is right. Fuck. Time is so annoying.

What I do know though, —is that nothing is made official, yet.

As my train of thought ended I came to the sudden realisation that we were back at the villa. God, did my brain just go into a coma?

"George? You okay?", a certain blonde man asked touching my shoulder with so much care that I melted on the spot, eyeing my hands that still held onto the bike handles.

"Oh. Yes, just tired." I partly lied and rested the bike against his, walking side by side up to the entrance. He hummed, apparently taking my answer into deep consideration. I should really just tell him, seeing as I have already told my deepest secrets.

As we stepped on to the balcony that surrounds the wooden door, the pink haired man resting up against it did not get overlooked by us. He literally is blocking the way. His glassed eyes were darting around on his phone screen, typing away with high speed, as if he was faster than speed itself. He must be on discord or something.

"Techno!" Dream announced happily.

Techno looked up from his phone with glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, looking unsurprised. "Oh, heloo." He greeted in a monotone yet glad voice, straightening his posture. "I was wonderin' when you guys would arrive."

"Heh, really? We were just— we went to the beach. Definitely recommend." Dream said with a knowing smile, casually dragging a hand through his hair, letting it fall back to his side. How is he so hot doing literally anything.

"Y'know, Dream." He chuckled forcefully. "That does sound amazin'. However, while you disappeared, I've been absolutely destroyed in monopoly against literal KIDS, because they cheated behind my back! I was getting bullied by KIDS guys, KIDS! And then they call Phil and he joins in on it! The thing is that it isn't even the worst part— because Sapnap got so worried about where you went, until the point of FORCIN' me to guard the door..!" Techno took a deep breath, gathering himself back together. "So, I'm sorry boys, gotta snitch to the thirdwheel, unfortunately." He confessed and typed a quick message to what I would assume to be Nick.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now