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"Of course not! I cross my heart." He sounded confident which reassured me. I trust him, I know I do. Either way, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Every step towards the kitchen became heavier and heavier, as if I was walking through thick deep snow. I felt relieved that I got it off my chest, but at the same time, exposed.

We walked past many nice hand done paintings that covered the tall white walls. Then we rounded one corner to the left and went through the archway that led to the kitchen.

"Alright what should we make?" Sapnap asked me. He should know by now that I am bad at making decisions.

"I don't know."

"Hmm... maybe I'll ask Karlos." He had a fond smile on his face at the nickname we had given him a long time ago. Sapnap then took a deep breath in. "KAAAARLL!"

"YES??!" We could hear Karls faint shout from the distance, probably outside.

"COME HERE!" Sapnap shouted again. "Okay, he's coming."

"Alright." From the living room came the sound of footsteps approaching us.

"Hey guys! I dragged these two along." Karl leaned his arms on the countertop with his head rested in the palms of his hands. Beside him stood Quackity and Dream.

I looked over to Sapnap and saw him fiddling with his ring again, but overall nobody would ever tell that he is mad in love with Karl and Quackity, and I'm honestly impressed.

He shot me a plain glance that held a secret message. To not tell anyone about what had happened minutes prior. I gave a half smile to signalise that I understood what he meant.

"So, me and George were thinking that we are gonna make a quality dinner to celebrate our first day here together. And we would like you guys to help out." He smiled at no one in particular, but at his request at that.

"Sapnap, I didn't-"

"Shut up Gogy." He clapped his hands together and turned to the fridge. Whereas the others were laughing at us.

Quackity clapped his hands multiple times while he drowned in wheezes. "Letsaa goooo!"

He swiped a hand over his face in exhaustion from laughing too hard and cleared his troat.

"Oh Jorge, you silly little goose. Of course Sapnap. Of course we'll help out!" He said in a high pitched voice.

"Simp." I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you say Jorge?"

"I said; let's get started." Quackity glared at me and dragged Karl over to Sapnap by the wrist.

"What are we making then?" Dream finally spoke.

"Uhh what about we try to replicate one hawaiian dish. I found this cooking book in the cabinet." Karl said and looked through the pages.

"That's actually a good idea." Sapnap responded to the fluffy haired man and bumped lightly into him with the arm.

Now I know what it's like to third wheel. Well- more like a forth wheel.

"Okay! What about this dish called Spam fried rice and Sweet Hawaiian rolls? That sounds really good." The fluffy brunette held the cooking book close to his face to read the recipe.

Karls eyes squinted a little at the small text in front of his eyes, and I noticed Sapnaps softened face looking lovingly at him. It was basically heart eyes.

"Sure, we can do that." Sapnap agreed and everyone else nodded their heads.

Karl and Quackity got the ingredients that came freshly with the villa, and the pots we needed, while me and Dream agreed to make the sweet hawaiian rolls.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now