Not interested

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"George?" Dreams honey laced voice rung out. I hummed in acknowledgement, burying my face further into his chest.

He chortled lightly and stroke the back of my head. "Geooorrge." He whispered in the way he would say my name in manhunts, and attempted to get up. I only smiled up at him not budging. "We should start to head back. It's getting late." Dream continued, returning a sheepish grin.

I huffed and muttered a 'fine' and reluctantly got up, allowing Dream to do the same. Immediately, I missed the comfort and warmth of his lean body, only craving for more affection. With a few steps down the big stones, I reached the smooth sand ground, whilst Dream followed right after.

He approached me with a dreamy smile making his kind eyes crease. It was like my heart leaped out of my chest. In spite of that I composed myself and we started to walk back along the beach closely together.

Occasionally our fingers would brush against each other making my body flutter. Sometimes I could even catch Dream shooting me a lot of brief glances, and when I did he would look away with a sweet smile. It was so tender that it could make me forget anything bad.

Never in a million years would I imagine this Hawaii trip to turn out like.. this. I expected that I had to suffer this whole vacation with my feelings, and eventually we would go back home and I would continue to keep it a secret. But now... I don't feel that way anymore. Especially after what Dream had said. 'My... feelings.' It really opened my eyes into not being so fucking oblivious- like all those times Dream would stay up late with me, which often resulted in sleep calls. Then I would listen to his soft snores making me feel safe in his presence, even 4000 miles away from him. Dream would always make time for me even if I didn't ask for it. Or the constant flirting and teasing and.. touching. It gives me hope that maybe.. just maybe-

"There you guys are! We packed everything up to go order some food at this nice restaurant we found. Come on idiots!" Wilbur announced and pushed us both in the direction of the group.

"Wait where is Corpse?" I asked seeing that he wasn't here anymore.

"Oh! He had to leave, since Bretman was done with that meeting. He told me to say bye to you for him."Ah, okay.

As we got close, they all quickly noticed us, giving us mixed looks.

"Are you guys doing okay..?" Ranboo asked sincerely looking down to even make eye contact. His one hand was stuffed in his hoodie pocket and the other fiddling with his crystal necklace. And like normal, Ranboo wore his black and white mask and glasses.

"Yeah, we're more than okay now. Thank you." I answered truthfully as we exchanged a fist bump.

We then started walking along the street that swarmed by tons of people, doing their own thing.

"George! Clay! What took you guys so long?" Sapnap walked beside us and whisper yelled. You knew he was serious when he used 'Clay'.

"Heh nothing. We went for a walk. Just like I asked George to." Dream said briefly.

"Hell no! That's bullshit. You and me both know that." Sapnap retorted in a witty manner.

"Okay- okay- ugh well we talked. Everything is good now. We are good. And for the record we did go for a walk. There is nothing more to it really." I nodded in confirmation, because technically that is true. We are just not telling the whole truth. Even if I do feel bad for keeping stuff from him, Sapnap doesn't need to know. Not yet at least. Dream needs to figure out his feelings first anyway- and I need to learn to stop doubting myself all the time.

"So you guys are gonna stop fucking moping now? I am so tired of seeing you guys send longing looks and fucking undressing each other with your eyes." I tripped on my feet, quickly catching myself.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now