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Me and Dream had both hurriedly gotten dressed into appropriate attire after Sapnap had sent me an abrupt text. At least to me it was abrupt, because me and the blonde were cuddled up in bed having an easy conversation about anything really. 'You and Dream got to get dressed. We are going to Bretman Rock's party soon', it read.

When I first read the message out loud I couldn't help the blush heating up from beneath my skin. Sapnap knew we were together, —and so did the others to be fair, but he knows knows.

And so does Wilbur... I almost forgot.

I quickly responded with an 'okay' and asked how Bret knew we were in Hawaii, to which he replied that Corpse had let him know and had asked him to invite us.

It was actually a bit surprising, considering the fact that we funnily hadn't really talked since the among-us days. Nonetheless, it was incredibly sweet of him to invite us as soon as he found out, —even Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo were allowed to come, keeping in mind that there is going to be alcohol served. As long as they acted responsible it was no problem.

"George?" Dreams soft voice called out, peeking his head through my bedroom door. "You ready— w.." He began but halted to a stop, his eyes scanning me up and down with big wonderful eyes. I shuffled nervously on my feet, raising my eyebrows expectantly at him. He cleared his throat and practically had to force his gaze elsewhere. Dream settled for my eyes instantly. "Wow. You look— amazing."

I didn't answer him with words, but instead beamed up at him, gladly making my way to his space. It's not often I go to parties, but when I do, I sure as hell will look my most.

I remember the last time I went to a proper party very well. It was back in school when I was still friends with Robyn. Initially, I hadn't wanted to go to that dumb party in the first place.

However, he had somehow convinced me to go in the end, considering I used to crush on him and wanted to make him happy, and hopefully have a good time. Wrong. It only ended up in a little heartbreak when I accidentally caught him kissing a girl that I recognised from my maths class. Even after everything, I still thought I had a shot, but surprise surprise, wrong again.

I think that is a part of the reason I was so upset when I saw Dream with that girl from the club. It reminded me too much of the lowest place in my life.

I guess that is a big part of the reason I still dislike parties to this day, but now that I'm with real friends, —and my boyfriend, it probably won't be half that bad.

I allowed myself to take in his outfit as well, my eyes drawing lines along his clothed body. A slow huff escaped my lips when we made eye contact again, quickly noticing how his cheeks were painted a soft pink and his lips were so red begging to be kissed senseless.

I held myself back though, and pulled him down by the nape of his neck, gripping his curls lightly and kissed him with care. "You look good. Definitely gonna catch some stares." I commented smoothly pecking his cheek afterwards. He wore a dark blue flannel adding a subtle but perfect pop of colour to his all dark outfit. It was a fancier casual but specifically on him it surpassed as a good fit for a party. His fingers were covered in a few gold rings going together nicely with his golden bracelet.

Dream laughed slightly through his nose, shaking his head in the process with the fondest grin spread across his face. "I definitely wouldn't mind having you stare at me the entire night." He murmured close to my ear barely over a whisper.

George's fit if you're interested:

George's fit if you're interested:

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