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The following morning I willed myself to wake up slowly, to savour the last few moments of Hawaii. The night prior I fell asleep in Dreams arms, only to wake up in the same ones, with legs tangled in blankets. Just how it always was meant to be.

Bittersweet feelings seemed to roam around everyones head from having to leave this place surrounded by friends, —everyone enjoying the stillness while we still could. But more so, I felt insanely ready to leave.

After some unbearable days, it's finally my time to move in with Dream and Sapnap. Into our newly built home.

Home. It sounds.. nice rolling off of my tongue, compared to the moderately cold London where I couldn't beat the feeling of loneliness, —always lurking in the shadows, ready to catch me by surprise and leave me with heavy depression.

I am ready to just exist with them, and to always know that they'll always be close by. Like it should be. Right through the next door.

I hummed, stuffing my face in the crook of Dreams neck, tiptoeing to smell what is him. Watermelon and cologne..

We are currently in the kitchen, up before anyone else for once. The sun basked in through the big windows, making everything glow yellow, —making Dream's hair glow a warm blonde.

I always knew that he was the sun to light up my dark when I had my greyest of days. Ever since we met to the day he's finally mine.


The sounds of eggs crackling in the sizzling oil and the soft hums coming from the blonde, vibrating against my chest, made it feel just the little more perfect.

His arm went slightly back and forth, making sure the eggs wouldn't stick to the pan. Two pieces of bread were all set on a turquoise glazed stone-platter, already covered in a thin layer of butter.

"George," Dream murmured fondly, shifting my attention back from my thoughts, "the eggs are done. If you could let go for a sec—."

I simply ignored his request, and tightened my grip around his waist, shaking my head against his back with a weak spoken 'no'.

He sighed softly, but caved, and continued on to place each egg onto the bread pieces.

"Baby, let go. You literally woke me up, demanding me to make you food because you were hungry."

"Don't make me feel bad" I grumbled.

The blonde laughed, prying my arms off of him to my dismay. "We have the whole day to do whatever you want later, okay? I promise."

"Fine," I said drawling out the 'i' and huffed, grabbing our plate. "Can we sit at the sofa, please."

He nodded encouragingly, turning to pour two glasses of fresh apple juice, which I presumed Techno had prepared the day before.

Dream then held our glasses in both hands and started walking over to the living room, with me following close behind.

To spend every morning like this is definitely something I can get used to. Everything feels so light and full of love.

I sat down in the corner of the love-seat that we had once sat on the day we watched that horror movie. My face grew warm from the memory and looked over to Dream, my eyes lingering on his face, tracing every feature like it was the first time.

To think that back then, I didn't have this, feels surreal. And now that's history.

I had to physically pray my eyes away, remembering how hungry I was for food, letting the wonderful scent of eggs travel through my nose.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now