Face me

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This is a picture of George's outfit because why not :)
Its the homosexual shoes for me 💅


- In Hawaii -

"Alright, the Uber should be here any minute now" Wilbur told us.

We stood at the airport pick up area waiting patiently for it to arrive.

The air here was very different in comparison to the gloomy London. It was obviously a lot warmer so i really wanna change my clothes (😝) , because right now it was getting to the point where it was unbearable.

Not only that, I am MINUTES away from finally meeting Dream. Thinking about it made me feel butterflies in my stomach.

I don't know why I'm making it such a big deal, because it's not. Dream is just my best friend. Or, that's what I keep telling myself at least.

These dumb feelings I have is going to ruin everything and I certainly do not want that.

Ugh, I overthink everything... But hey, at least I'm self aware.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and pulled up my iPhone to check myself in the reflection. My hair looked a bit messier than normal and my eye bags were pretty noticeable.

Wilbur put his hand on my shoulder to gain my attention and shot me a concerned- but serious look, while i only looked up at the tall brunette. He mounted 'We have to talk later' and I nodded my head once.

Maybe if I let my feelings out to someone, my life would be a lot easier. However, my problem is that i suck at expressing them.

But I'll try. For Wilbur.

Just then, our Uber pulled up and we got the luggage in the trunk and hopped in. Wilbur sat in the front and me and Niki in the back.

The chauffeur pulled out, and just like that we were on our way to the villa. It was silent in the car with the music in the background. I observed the environment having nothing better to do. There are lush green trees along the road with many pretty flowers surrounding them, and the sky was a vibrant blue colour. Not a single cloud was in sight.

In the distance you could see small mountains meet the long sand shore. Waves of water washed in and out of the ocean. Immediately I felt relaxed and leaned back in my leather seat. Minutes went by and then I felt a soft tap on my arm. I looked over to my left and met Niki's soft gaze.

"George? Are you alright?" she asked me barely under a whisper.

"Yes- don't worry about me", I responded talking back in the same volume.

She sighed. "George-" the tone in Niki's voice saddened but I cut her off. I felt bad.

"I will be, okay? I dont want to be the reason why everything gets depressing..." Right now I really didn't want to be vulnerable but who could resist this sweet person. Niki is one of my best friends.

"Okay.. I understand that. But George, if you ever need someone I'm here for you, you know that."

"Thank you N-Niki, I-" my voice was trembling.

"Of course, no worries! I care about my friends. I've known you for years now." In an instant Niki grabbed my hand and held it comfortingly and smiled and I smiled back.

Once the moment passed I yet again looked out the car window, still squeezing her warm hand in mine. This makes me realise how touch starved I really am, so this is nice. Niki has already helped me through so much, which I'll forever be grateful for. For instance, she was there for me when my dad passed away in a terrible accident. But right now, I am happy, spending these next few weeks with some of my friends.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now