Wanna go?

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I felt something stir around in the bed. Instantly, I started to open my eyes and stretched my arms out.

"Morning George!" Wilbur greeted me. I began to turn my head to meet his face. He is sat up on the bed looking down at me with a friendly smile.

"Morning" I mumbled in return still feeling exhausted. Wilbur moved up from the bed, towards the curtains and pulled them open. The sunlight streamed into the room making the room look like it was straight out of a commercial.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Uhm, way better than yesterday actually. Thank you by the way for being there for me.."

"Yeah! No problem man. Just here to help." Wilbur stopped mid sentence by a notification of his phone. "Oh! Dream just texted me saying there is pancakes! I'll go to my room now and change my clothes- ill be back, okay? Get ready." He was already out the door.

Dream texted him though? Why didn't he just knock on his door- oh. He was here. Maybe he checked his room and he wasn't there so he just shot a text i guess. Never mind.

I made my way to the walk in closet to pick out an outfit for the day. Hm, wonder if we have any plans today.

I rummaged through the drawers for a pair of jeans and slid them on along with a pair of socks. Then I went through the tops that are hanging up in a glass closet.

Going in front of the mirror I took a look at myself and straightened out my shirt where it was wrinkled up. Just then, Wilbur appeared behind me and signalled me to follow him.

 Just then, Wilbur appeared behind me and signalled me to follow him

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(George's outfit ☹️🥺 Notice that its green🤫)

(George's outfit ☹️🥺 Notice that its green🤫)

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(Wilbur's outfit 😳)

And so I did. We went through the hall into the kitchen seeing if anyone was still there, which there is. At the island sat Sapnap, Quackity, Tommy, Niki and Dream, and I saw the others sitting outside through the window by various flowers. They were all eating pancakes just like Wilbur said from his text.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now