17 hours

165 4 1

It's been five days since.

I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I will be meeting Dream in less than 30 hours.

And to be honest, I almost considered not going at all after I started overthinking the whole thing, but nobody knows that other than me. I just felt so nervous with knowing I was going to meet him.

What if he doesn't like me in person? What would've happened if he found out about my stupid feelings for him? He would probably think that I am the weirdest person ever.

I don't want to mess up our friendship. I can't loose Dream.

I looked out of the window from my kitchen. Today it had been raining quite a bit —a common occurrence in London. My gaze shifted to every car that passed by, completely lost in thought about the trip.

When I looked back at the dishes in my hands I couldn't help but to sigh. My appetite had not been present at all these past few days. Every hour that went by felt like years and I dreaded it.

But on the bright side, it is only 12 hours until my flight. We had decided to rent a retreat in Hawaii of all places, which Dream insisted on paying for. Despite my obligations he just ignored me. The others couldn't care less knowing he was a 'millionaire'. I had never been to Hawaii before though, which made up for it. It is so titillating.

Maybe I should head to bed, I thought and pulled my eyes away from the road.

I am really exited to meet some of my other friends that I haven't had the pleasure to meet yet. Some of my friends being; Sapnap, Karl, Quackity and Technoblade.

I had already met Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Niki many times before, but it's still nice to spend more time together someplace else nonetheless.

I had my suitcase all packed already hours prior, just lacking toiletries.

Deciding to do the dishes tomorrow instead, I walked into my bedroom and got undressed and pulled a black oversized dream hoodie on.

The bed looked so comfortable as I climbed in and got under the warm duvet.

After a little while my eyelids got heavy and was about to shut. Unfortunately, I were rudely interrupted by a notification from my phone.

I groaned and stretched my arm out to grab it from the nightstand, seeing who it was from.


My breath hitched slightly. I clicked the notification that brought me to the iMessage app.

Dream <3
Hey George :) Ready for a long flight to Hawaii LMAO?
Sent 00:32

Ugh shut up.
Sent 00:34

Dream <3
Seriously tho, I cant wait to finally meet you!

And the others of course.
Sent 00:35

Yeah I cant either. Will be weird to see you in person.
Sent 00:37

Dream <3
Thats true.
But you should definitely get some sleep now. Be safe tomorrow! Goodnight Georgie :)
Sent 00:38

I will. Goodnight Dream :]

My face felt warm. Georgie. He would occasionally call me that. He always finds ways to make me flustered.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now