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The rest of the dinner I looked over at Dream multiple times, obviously being discreet.

That moment in the kitchen played over and over in my head. Everyone is talking with each other except for me, who is deep in thought.

I'm clearly overthinking this.

"Guys, this was a delight, but im tired. Goodnight." Techno said and walked out of the dining room.

Everyone said goodnight to him and got their dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I purposely went a bit slower trying to avoid Dream. Why? Because im done with my emotions for today. It feels like I might break down crying again.

Feeling incredibly overwhelmed, I put the leftovers in the refrigerator and made my way to my beloved bedroom again.

By now it was pitch black outside with the moon illuminating the ocean a few meters away. The only light source that I had was the elegant lamp on my bedside table.

My eyes felt droopy and closed themselves some seconds at a time, but ignored it and walked into the connected bathroom.

I turned the tap on to soak my toothbrush and brush my teeth. Just the regular stuff before going to bed.

Once I finished, I paused and looked at my own reflection. My face looked so worn down and my hair was messy. I feel gross.

Right there and then I broke down. Slouching over the floor with my lower back against the glass shower divider. It was cold. So cold.

Uncomfortable warm tears streamed down my face. I have no idea why i'm acting like this. I should be happy. But sometimes I break down like this, which I've noticed have become a more regular thing.

The tears wouldn't stop. They kept on coming as I choked on my sobs trying to muffle them. Key word; tried.

There was a light knock on my bathroom door, that I had forgot to lock. Looks like I wasn't as quiet as i thought. Instead I ignored it and buried my head in my knees.

The sound of the door opening slowly was heard and I said nothing still hiccups coming out of my throat.

I felt a hand on my back stroking it. "George..?", a familiar voice said.

I raised my head to look at them. "...Wilbur?" I whispered so quietly that no one would hear, but he did.

He got a hold of me and held me tight to his body, humming a calming tune in my ears.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until I only occasionally let out a hiccup. I feel like a burden to him in this moment.

"George... are you... why were you crying?" he paused. "If I may ask of course..." I could tell Wilbur was being cautious with his words.

"I-I don't k-know.." I was being hesitant. Wil had never seen me like this before, neither had i panned for him to see this side of me. But- he is just trying to help, right?

"I guess... this whole thing is just overwhelming. Thats all." I said under my breath, still in his grasp. Wilbur put his hand on the back of my head.

"I understand George. It's gonna be okay, alright. Im here whenever you need me... let's go get some sleep, okay?" I nodded my head slightly and got up slowly walking up to my bed, situating myself under the duvet.

Wilbur gave me another hug and turned to leave, but for some reason I grabbed his wrist. "Don't leave." I said.

"You want me to stay?" He whispered back questionably.

"Yes, please."

"Of course king." He walked around the bed to the other side and got under my duvet as well. I sighed in content getting comfortable just as Wilbur draped an arm around me from behind, basically spooning.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now