Got it tatted in my skin

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After seven minutes of driving, we reached our destination. Even if we basically lived right by the beach we figured we would go further into town to grab food later. Besides I could use the distraction of the crowd after.. that happened.

Did I really just ruin my friendship with Dream? There is no way, right? We have definitely had a few arguments in the past about small things, but never like this. And not to mention, in REAL LIFE.

My stomach twisted at the thought. I feel like I am about to have a break down.

"George? You coming?" A gentle voice asked me as they tapped my shoulder.

I met Wilbur's brown eyes who held out a hand and put on a slight smile. "Oh yeah!" I said and got a hold of his hand and dragged myself out of the car. I really did zone out there.

"Here is a bag with your black trunks and a towel. There is a changing room right over there, and we are all sitting over here." He pointed. "Okay! Go change now and meet up with us afterwards." I nodded and headed for the changing room. It doesn't look too crowded which is always nice.

I entered one of the stalls and made sure the door was locked before I undressed myself. Intentionally I am doing it way slower than I needed to. Thats one way to ignore my problems I guess. Once I finished I stuck my head out of the door. After looking left and right I confirmed that nobody was there. This is one of the things I hate about the beach. Having to go topless. Or half naked if you will. I am afraid if a stan wanting to be problematic or something, recognises me and posts about it on social media, shares my location, or takes pictures, or-


Get me out of here.

I pulled my oversized t-shirt back on and stuck my head out of the door again. Normal looking people were coming and going like the tides in the ocean, none looking like they had any bad intentions. Totally normal.
After reminding myself that I am just paranoid and that I am literally in Hawaii if all places, I begrudgingly stepped out of the stall. With my bag in hand I trudged along the concrete.

On the bright side, it is a very nice day out, which I will take advantage of making myself feel better. The tall palm trees swayed peacefully in the wind and the sand was covered in beach towels and parasols occupied by hundreds of people.

Suddenly, I spotted everyone a few meters away from the concrete path, looking like they were having a wonderful time. Karl and Quackity are rolling around in a fit of laughter. Techno and Wil are having a conversation with Tommy and Tubbo, which turned to look heated, but in the joking sense. Sapnap was sunbathing beside Niki who is reading a book that she looks invested in. Ranboo was on his phone filming a sand castle that he looks pretty proud of. I'm presuming that he built it.

And last but not least... Dream. He wasn't really doing anything.. other than staring out at the ocean. I started weighing my options on if I should walk over to them. Instead of joining them and potentially making it awkward for everyone I continued to walk along the various of shops.

Mmm I want ice cream to be honest.

As if fate was on my side I was met with an ice cream stand right in front of me with multiple different flavours. Luckily, I had my phone on me with my card in the case and bought myself a cone with cookies and cream, my favourite.

I took a seat nearby and ate it while taking in my surroundings. Families, friends and.. couples walked from every corner of the area, all doing their own thing and looking happy. I wish-

"-y god! George? "The club guy"?" I heard a familiar deep voice say and chuckle.

My head did a 180 towards the voice. My face immediately lit up in surprise. My eyes met a tall man with black curly hair looking as good as ever- or well as yesterday. "Adam?! Hey! What are you doing here?".

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