POV: you catch your friend kissing

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Sorry for late chapter. Demotivation about everything hit kinda hard.

2 hours prior

"—and then I spilled all of my orange juice all over his shirt! And fuck, when I say he looked pissed. He was pissed. I'm telling you—!"

"How do you always get yourself in these situations? Jesus christ", he giggled heartedly, repositioning his mask again.

"...Ranboo..." I paused in my tracks, feeling my blood run cold. I was unable to look away from the scene that unfolded in front of us, instead gawking right at it "What. the. fuck."

Right there, 4 meters away, sat an easily recognisable George, his hands behind a tallers neck and jaw. He wore a striped beanie of sorts and was just as eager as him, hands caressing the brunette.

From the looks of it, I had never seen this person before in my life, and now my friend is full on making out with him?

Mate. I want to throw up.



George likes men?

Not surprised.

However, I couldn't help but feel... sort of sad? I really though he and Dream had something more. They have basically been inseparable this whole trip, god damnit.

Ranboo pulled us aside, hidden behind a thick pillar and a potted plant. I blinked my blue eyes repeatedly, realising what had just happened mere seconds ago.

"Oh my god", Ranboo squeaked placing a hand over his mouth even though wearing a mask, "Tommy! Is that George?" he said quietly regardless of how noisy or how far away they were.

"Uhh," I peeked my head out simultaneously with Ranboo, only to confirm just that, "Yup, 100 percent that's him.. but who's that guy? D'you know him?"

He shrugged. "Beats me, man."

We both paused for a second.

"Alright. So. Are we gonna address the elephant in the room or?" I drawled out.

"Yeah, so, George.. IS QUEER!" He shouted through a whisper, raising a fist in the air as if he was declaring victory. "Welcome to the club, y'know."

I looked him dead in the eye, looking as unimpressed as I could. Still happy though, but I couldn't ruin the bit.

The brunette swallowed, knowing what I actually was getting at. It had been our conversation topic quite a few times after all.

Ranboo proceeded to clear his voice, eyes travelling back to their vicinity. "So, him and Dream aren't.. like.. a thing? Because I really thought so. Like, that footage you got and the day they snuck off.. the whole thing is very odd, I'm gonna be real."

I nodded in agreement. "It's very odd, yeah. Poor Dream, man. D'you think he knows about this?" I said signalling to a certain couple of guys.

"I mean, probably not, right?"

I sighed loudly, dragging a hand through the sides of my hair. "All these years being a toxic dnfer, and for what."

Is it bad that I even considered telling Dream?

Ranboo giggled, retracting his eyes from the boys. "We probably shouldn't get involved though", he said, taking me a bit aback, as if he had read my thoughts.

"Yeah. We shouldn't."


"No. Tom. No."

"But, what if, Ran! What if we somehow rekindle their loveeee."


"Tsk. Fine."

[ just a little sneaky one <3]
533 words

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