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Votes are very appreciated btw :D

"Dweeeeam" I repeated for the third time this morning in a high pitched voice trying to annoy him into waking up. He only hummed groggily in displeasure and tightened his grip around me which  made me huff in defeat.

I have been trying to wake him up for the past five minutes with no success. At first, I embraced his warmth and relaxed on my phone, responding to dm's and scrolling through TikTok, but eventually I got bored.

I really want to spend time with him in other ways as well. Not only hidden behind closed doors. I want to feel free, and the only way to do that at the moment is going outside —far away.

Dream has slept for almost 12 hours by now, which is more than enough to fix his sleep.

From my field of vision, I can see how much of a nice day it is outside through the gap in the curtains. It softly flew softly back and forth from the slight wind. The window must have stayed open the entire night. I guess we were really tired to even bother closing it. Or— actually because I was busy only paying attention to Dream.

After waking up earlier though, I saw how much of a pickle I was really in. In our sleep we must have shifted into.. this position we are in right now.

My head lays on his chest with my one arm wrapped around his waist, and his arms are literally holding me captive. Not that I would complain anyway.. but it's almost 3PM and the possibility of being walked in on by someone at any given moment is very much likely.

"Dream, seriously! Wake uuuup! Somebody is actually going to walk in." I argued further, nudging his arm in protest.

"George, seriously. I don't care, plus ratio." He mumbled.

"Well— what?" I said sharply. How can he not care??

"Okay, finee. I'll get up." He yawned. Apparently he changed his mind. Except he did so in the way I didn't anticipate at all.

Dream flipped us over with ease, with him now hovering over me.

My breath hitched abruptly whilst my heartbeat sped up at his boldness, leaving me stunned and flustered.

"You are such a whiny bitch." Dream whispered tenderly right by my ear, which sent a wave of goosebumps down my neck. He said it almost—seductively.. His seductive like voice made my pants suddenly feel tight.

As if Dream didn't just do that, he crawled off me and the bed with an innocent expression and trudged to the door.

"When you are ready, come find me." He commented. Before the blonde shut the door behind him fully, he blew me a kiss and laughed. The way he looks so effortlessly handsome in the mornings— or constantly, always astounds me.

Now I have got to deal with my— situation. Great.

I decided to wait it out and scroll on my twitter timeline in the mean time, after not having been on the app for what felt like ages.

I reached for my phone and unlocked it, clicking on the blue bird icon.

The Georgenotfound biases must be so perplexed as to where I, and actually, literally everyone disappeared off to. I feel kind of bad for all of them, but it's also pretty funny seeing them completely clueless and trying to make sense of it all.

Immediately, I saw a tweet that read, "I miss georgenotfound.", in the heaps of fanart of me and my friends. The tweet had 14.3k likes which tugged a small smile on my face. I appreciate the community for sticking around, even if I'm inactive at certain times. It really means a lot.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now