Give in

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"Dream!" I said through giggles, trying to keep up with him and make sure that I didn't slip on the smooth surface of the wooden floor.

"Where are you two goin'?" Karl's voice perked up, seeing us pass on through the room. "Why is Dream wet?" He added, giggling behind a shielding hand, making everyone turn their heads in interest.

"I pushed him into the pool. He's pissed!" I shouted after him, due to Dream walking in a hurry. In return I gained an orchestra of snickers coming from the dining table, Quackity's contagious laugh being the one heard particularly well.

But all the noise was halted to a stop the second we entered Dream's bedroom when the door shut closed. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became very thick, but I still pulled an innocent smile his way. The soaked man's green eyes glistened with an unreadable emotion, staring me down intensely.

I clearly did not think of the consequences of my own actions.

"I can't believe you just did that!" Dream said, faking a hurt tone in his voice. His bottom lip trembled slightly and proceeded to cross his arms over his chest to stay warm. Dream's soaked clothes stuck against his shivering body whilst a regular water drop dripped down onto the cream carpet.

Okay. I felt a little bad, not gonna lie.

"I'm sorry! Just— get your clothes off! You are gonna get ill." I demanded only for his own good, of course, and not because I like it when he takes his shirt off.

The blondes brow quirked up suggestively and the corner of his mouth tilted upwards. "You are literally obsessed with the idea of me being sick. It's like you want to take care of me—"

"Take your clothes off."

His hands shot up in defence, taking a step back, "Alright, fine." Dream said, his voice higher, eventually pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his bare chest as if we never left the room in the first place. And I am not complaining one bit. He continued on and threw it onto the dresser, moved to the next article of clothing.

However, when he proceeded to take his shorts off I felt awkward watching him undress himself. This was all still so new to me. Now that it's Dream —a person I feel like I've known since forever — it's fair to be a bit shy.
Therefore, I looked at the floor for a moment. "There happy?" His smooth voice spoke up after a few seconds.

A soft scoff escaped me, simultaneously rolling my eyes. "Yeah.." I said mumbling, mustering up the courage to look up at the beautiful man again.

A curl hung slightly over one of his eyes and his smile was big enough to reveal his canines. Dream's smile is probably the brightest thing I have ever seen. His smile is brighter than the clouds, the shiny shells scattered along the beach, the twinkling stars on the night sky, and most of all —brighter than the sun it self. Every time I get the chance to see his smile I feel so lucky, as if it's a revelation every time, -especially considering that very few people have even seen his face.

"See? I even took my socks off." Dream added with a clumsy but attractive wink, making me feel all hot. I couldn't help myself before my gaze started to wander his bare golden skin.

After being inside for almost three years, Dream's skin had definitely gotten a lot paler, with an obvious tan line around his neck. A shower of small freckles sprinkled across his complexion, —mostly his shoulders. He also has a lot more body hair than I would have expected. He is gorgeous.

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