Falling behind

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Is this a dream?

If so... then I don't want to wake up.

I inhaled the fresh and invigorating ocean air, filling my lungs fully with the salty wind before exhaling through my mouth with ease. The light breeze swept all of my hair away from my face, earning a dreamlike tingling against my skin. In common for me and the palm trees, the leaves also whooshed, creating a crisp whisper. I tightened my grip around the twistgrip, feeling completely in control. This is amazing, I thought contently.

The sound of fine gravel rustling soothingly below and the bike wheels spinning continuously, gave an almost nostalgic feeling. In the distance this gravel road lead to what seems like an endless path. It just went on and on. That is what I want this moment to be. Endless.

But that would be silly of me to wish for wouldn't it?

Everything was bright outside. Bushes, flowers and trees being as vibrant as they could for me. But the sky and sea was even brighter, because of the blue shades emitting. Multiple white clouds are seen along with gentle wavelets forming and hitting the shallow shore. I really just want to take it all in. Appreciate it.

However— the brightest thing— or rather person, in sight, is Dream. He looks so serene in all of his glory with his soft smile. Seeing him in the moonlight in my bed is one thing.. but in the sunlight, he appears nearly unreal.

As much as I had tried to brush over it years ago, I knew I couldn't deny it any longer— I am really in love with this man. And it is getting really unbearable..

I shrunk into myself, unfortunately beginning to fall a bit behind. It seems more likely than ever that I probably won't ever get the courage to tell him my true feelings. Why am I like this?

Dream noticed that I wasn't right beside him anymore, which resulted him in turning his head around to check for me.

"George? You okay?". He called after me with a sympathetic smile, immediately uplifting my mood. I felt warm.

I pushed away my feelings into a pit and nodded reassuringly, immediately catching up with him.

"Race you!", I shouted out of the blue and laughed out loud confidently. The paddles of the bike were practically going too fast for me to keep up with.

"HEY! You cant just-!" Dream grunted. He was totally taken aback from my challenge to race, which means I got a big lead. "OH GEOOORGE!"

My heart rate instantly doubled. Hearing him scream that as if it was a minecraft manhunt made me lose my breath. I clearly had forgotten how competitive Dream can be. A rush of adrenaline overcame me, setting in my fight or flight response, just like old times before the manhunts were discontinued. I miss them, but when I finally get my visa we are going to do it in real life, so I guess it's worth it.

Still, I laughed uncontrollably. And I could hear Dream laugh too mixed with some wheezes, ways behind me.

The sound of gravel rustling became suddenly louder. "Hi!" My head spun at the sound of his smooth voice. The blond had caught up so quickly.

"It's not fair! You have longer legs than me." I complained.

"Well, thats not my fault, is it?" He chuckled. Eventually we were going at a slow pace, both looking exhausted. "How about we stop right here?" Dream suggested, pointing to a nice location at the beach.

"Here? Okay." I said, agreeing. After all, we had been cycling for quite some time. By now we have probably been going for an hour. So then we both got off of our bicycles and rolled them side by side, closer to the white sandy shore.

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