Nice shirt

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That explains a lot.

"Sapnap... this. This is great! Thank you for telling me."

"Yeah. Im glad I did. Otherwise I think I would have gone completely nuts... But what am I supposed to do now? Like- im both exited and fucking nervy." He nervously sat there fidgeting with his thick silver rings, occasionally shooting me a look that is begging for help.

This situation is so surreal. Who knew both me and Sapnap would be in a pickle at the same time, together, in Hawaii. Im happy for him though. Like, he actually somewhat figured out his feelings for two men, that happen to be Karl and Quackity. Our friends. Looks like we both fell for our friends. My brain was running a thousand miles per second with thousands of thoughts, trying to find the right words for what I'm about to say.

"Uhm- I think-" I internally groaned at myself, but here goes nothing I guess. "I think you should have some time to process your feelings before you decide to do anything. Figure out when or whether you want to tell them. There is no need to rush. We've got weeks here after all."

"Jesus, George. I didn't know you had good advice. You are always pretty closed up y'know." He had a teasing undertone to his voice and quite frankly, it's still Sapnap so I didn't expect anything less.

"Ughh I know, but I'm really trying Sapnap, so shut up." I pushed him on the shoulder which sent him into a fit of laughter. Great. But i couldn't help but to laugh with him.

We're in deep shit. And he doesn't even know mine.

"Oh- my- god George- I can't- I can't breathe! Im so scre-wed!" He screamed in between wheezes. And then he fell on the floor. At that point we were both dying.

However, we are so distracted that we didn't even notice someone knocking on the door.

"Ahem." Both of our faces snapped towards the sound of someones voice.

"Dream! Hey buddy!" He was leaning against the doorframe with one leg crossed and his arms tangled over his chest. One wavy lock of hair was hanging over his eye. Sapnap tried to play it off but failed miserably in my opinion.

"Hey. What are you guys laughing about?" His eyes squinted at Sapnap which I would assume would be because of the nickname. God, he's so- NO stop.

"Nothing Dreamy poo. Just spending quality time with my Gogy unlike you." I giggled at his answer, knowing exactly what we actually talked and laughed about.

"Yeah, but to be fair, he was asleep and you woke him up. I could hear him scream at you all the way from the kitchen." Sapnap flipped him off and Dream chuckled at him and looked over at me. Yet again we locked eyes. They were so bright and held an unknown emotion. But his eyes then started to scan my face like earlier and found their way to my clothes.

"Nice shirt." Dream smirked and stood up straight and smoothly turned around to walk down the hallway. My face flushed an intense pink color. I knew it did because of the mirror right in front of my bed, angling right at my me.

Oh right. I am wearing the black dream hoodie. I shoved my face in my hands to hide from the world.

But of course Sapnap picked up on my unusual behaviour.

"Hey dude- are you okay? It looks like you've run a fucking marathon hehe." Thanks for stating the obvious muffinhead.

"W-what." My voice was failing me not trying to sound flustered, except it did. Sapnap looked at me questionably from the floor, and proceeded to sit in a criss cross position. I tried to look at anywhere but at him trying to hide my blush that a particular blonde had created.

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