Big boy spooks

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"Techno, you do realise you have managed to wake up everyone with this." I reminded him.

From where I sat on the kitchen island I had the view of  Techno cooking and the whole gang gathered up in the dining, chatting along. I took in the sent of delicious baked potatoes that simmered nicely in the oven and the aroma of freshly squeezed orange juice. Mm, perfect drink for a hot autumn morning in Hawaii.

"I know, Wilbur. They just love my cookin'. I'm incredible!" Techno stated matter-of-factly with a cocky smile, batting his eyelashes proudly. I chuckled at his ego that was way overdue of being humbled, and took a generous sip of my cold orange juice.

"Of course we love it, man." I confirmed and shoved his arm gamesomely, making him slump a bit forward.

Speaking of which, not everyone in the dining is present.

"Hey, Techno—? Have you noticed how weird George and Dream have acted recently?" I questioned, which made him look at me with a puzzled face, pushing his wired glasses up his nose, "I mean, like, have you seen anything odd?" I added, signalling at their absence at the dining table.

He thought for a second. "Well, yesterday. They came back from wherever and— HEH —they acted, like a married couple." He cackled, remembering them being the definition of 'twirling my hair and kicking my feet'. "But it's whatever right? Like it's beyond their brand at this point.. even irl.." The pink haired man said, quickly realising this.

"Yeah, you're right.. They'll never beat the allegations." I know they must be fucking at this point. Im not a dumbarse. George didn't cry in the bathroom that day for no reason, to the point of asking me to stay the night. And, I've noticed the tension between them days back, which seems to be resolved now.

I audibly hummed, thinking of what to do and hopped off the kitchen counter. "You know what? You handle those potatoes, I'm gonna wake 'em up, and I'll drag them by the ears to make them eat if I have to." I excused myself, giving Techno a pat on the back and stepped down the dimly lit hallway till I was outside George's bedroom door.

Do I knock and make my presence known? Or do I just barge in?

Eh, fuck it.

I opened the door like I normally would have, but to my surprise met an empty already made bed, looking  incredibly lonely in the middle of the room. "Hello? George?" I called out, welcoming myself in. Stepping further inside I took a note of the emptiness, confirming that he was not in his bathroom, neither in the closet.

Well— That's debatable.

Huh, interesting.

I knitted my eyebrows, huffing, and retreated back to the hall, which made me aware of it being highly probable for them to be in Dream's bedroom instead. For their sake, I hope they locked the door, however, for my sake I bet it's not. These kids never learn, I've gathered as much.

Straight across from George's room I instantly met Dream's door. It is a big sign that they chose to have their bedrooms literally right across from each other, which, props to them, making it easier for themselves.

I got a hold for the metal handle, you get the drift, and pulled it down cautiously, prepping my eyeballs for what's to come. Hm, sounds like something they would do.

Either way, it indeed was unlocked. I pushed it open.

Instantaneously, my eyes encountered the dark, that became the tiniest bit brighter when the dim lighting from the hallway shone in. I mustered up the sanity it took and walked in, closed the door behind me and swiftly pressed the light switch on.. and— no reaction.

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