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Okay. What the hell?

"Yup, pretty sure we're here", Sapnap announced, turning the music down. I spotted the literal mansion nearing us, as he parked in the pool of other cars.

"Holy shit, it's huge!" Quackity quirked up and said in astonishment, "Ey, I don't know about you guys, but I'm loving this guy already", and eagerly unbuckled his seatbelt and got out. I laughed at him, but we all followed suit, also meeting up with the others from the other vehicle.

"Jesus, how many people are there", I heard Tommy say, gaping up at the house swarmed by loads of people.

"I mean, it's Bretman we're talkin' about. Cool guy", Karl replied matter of factly.

As we approached, the front door was already wide open, constantly flooding with people going in and out. Everyone looked so put together, laughing along with a drink in hand. "Oh my god! Hey y'all!" I suddenly heard from my peripheral.

"Bretman! Hey, so nice to finally meet you! And thanks for inviting us by the way", Dream greeted on the behalf of all of us, receiving a tight side hug.

"Oh please! Just call me Bret. And no worries! I've been dying to know what you look like, daddy", The raven haired man joked, gaining some chuckles. "And George! Couldn't forget about you, 'baby boy'", he said, referencing an old nickname, and pulled me into a hug as well.

Bret is around the same height as me, which I found surprising to say the least. He just gave super tall energy, I thought. Once we separated from the hug, he smiled, telling us to 'go have fun! Do whatever your hearts desires' and whatnot. He instantly went to greet our friends like a good host.

Dream and I shared a gleeful glance and started walking, with really no destination in mind. "His house is pretty cool", I commented, looking around as we went.

"Yeah, pretty cool", he repeated, nodding along.

As we squeezed through a group of people I started thinking, —what do you even do at parties? Dance, drink and have meaningless hookups?

Well in that case— "Where are the drinks and stuff? We should find it." I said, just as my eyes landed on the big kitchen.

"Um, drinks? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why not?" I said grabbing his wrist and made a go for the table full of different beverages. I lifted a bottle reading the emblem of its contents. 'Rum'.

"George, I'm not sure if I want to drink." He said lowering the bottle from my hand. "And last time.. it did not go so well. Like, someone literally spiked my drink."

Oh. Realisation hit me as I looked at him. "You're right. You shouldn't just to make sure." I agreed, returning my attention to the rum and poured myself a glass. "I'll take one, though."

He gave a short nod, demeanour blank and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, guiding us elsewhere. "Just please be careful, George."

I leaned into Dreams side, ignoring the curious looks we received. "I know. Besides, you're here to protect me anyway, aren't you Dream?" I teased.

He scoffed, but smiled nonetheless. "Well, yeah obviously."

Before I knew it, we were out in the yard amongst heaps of people in small and big groups. Round tables were placed around on the stone patio, overlooking the rest of the garden and the small mountains in the distance. With every passing minute, it grew darker, but the fairy lights that lit up the surroundings made up for it.


I took a generous sip from my drink. It tasted sweet of sugar and something else. A bitter aftertaste.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now