Movie night and late night talks

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Sorry for late update D: Life and college slowed things a bit down. To make up for it I wrote a longer chapter. Hope you like!

"Do you guys want to watch a movie or something? We still have a few hours to kill." Sapnap spoke up lowering the music in the car to be heard. He turned around looking at us expectantly. Most of us in this car agreed, already discussing what movie to watch.

"What mood are we feelin' though? Comedy, sci-fi, disney, horror, thriller? You name it- or romance!" Karl listed up and giggled like a maniac at the last suggestion.

"As long as it isn't fucking romance! I'm fine with anything else. Guys please!" Quackity pleaded, making Tommy all the way in the back cackle at the top of his lungs, eventually choking.

"I am in a horror mood honestly." Techno stated monotonedly and the others agreed.

Nobody detected that I hadn't given my opinion on it, and that is simply because I want- no need, Dream. Just Dream. And all to myself. We can't just cuddle openly in front of all of our friends whilst watching a movie -If that even was what Dream implied we would do.. Well, our plans just got tossed out the window regardless. Thanks Sapnap.

Less than a minute later Dream pulled over to the driveway and I unbuckled my seatbelt and trudged inside. I've had enough fresh air for one day I think.

"Ill find the movie and you fuckers better be ready in HALF AN HOUR! ALRIGHT?" Sapnap shouted and jogged to the living room. Typically, Karl and Quackity followed him- and along with Tubbo.

Poor Tubbo. An innocent, destined to become a fourth wheel and have no idea. I shrugged to myself.

Then I remembered that I had to be quick, again because of Sapnap, and walked down the familiar hallway. I reached my spacious room and closed the door once I did, and got undressed, since we had just been at the beach -still feeling small grains of sand covering my figure. So uncomfortable.

I entered the bright bathroom, meeting the cold floor tiles under my bare feet. This time around I made sure of that the bloody door was locked and stepped into the glass shower. My skin shivered longing for the warmth the stream of the shower could provide. The water feels wondrous against my skin as I run my pale fingers over my right cheek. The same spot Dream had caressed hours prior. I closed my eyes, exhaling deeply in astonishment. He might feel the same way, I reminded myself and got out of the shower once more.

I dried my soaked self of all the water and ruffled my hair thoroughly with the towel making it messy. My hair was at the point of being long enough that it was curly, and I know how much my viewers like it that way. I didn't even know it could be curly until I grew it out many months ago.

Then I started to speed up my movements remembering Sapnap, and quickly tucked my towel around my waist. I reached for the door handle and unlocked it, swaying it open.

"Oh-! MY GOD!" My soul left my body right on the spot not expecting someone to be laying in my bed. In addition to that, my hand fled for my chest catching my own breath, preventing myself from getting a heart attack.

"Dream!?" I scolded. He only chuckled carelessly and examined me up and down, replacing his whole demeanour by a small smirk. I shifted from one leg to the other under his gaze.

"Holy damn George- let me just-" He said teasingly and proceeded to snap a picture before I could react.

"Dreaaam" I complained approaching him, and hit him lightly on the arm. Dream bit his lip trying to hide his cheeky smile, but didn't go unnoticed by me. "What is actually wrong with you."

"Well, I mean, I couldn't help myself. A photo lasts longer anyways." He winked and poked me in the stomach. "Go get dressed George, before I-" Dream trailed off, and I looked at him wide eyed in disbelief. He let out a tender wheeze keeping his ground. He didn't have to finish that sentence for me to know where that was going, and abruptly made a go for the closet.

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