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"What??! How??", I blurted out at the same time as Dream, full of surprise, already too late to confront Wilbur about apparently already knowing.

Me and Dream looked away from the door and shared a look, now all alone again in the room after being so abruptly awoken. His hair was a mess, but a cute mess at that. "Um so, good morning?" I tried.

"Good morning!", he chuckled. "So, breakfast?" he suggested signalling back to the door.

"Oh, yeah." I pouted, fully knowing that we couldn't stay in bed all day, unless I wanted to starve, and proceeded to get off the bed.

"George, wait."

I turned to him with an acknowledging "Hm?", before I was instantly met with a pair of lips softly crashing with mine. I melted against him, humming faintly.

"Okay, now let's go." Dream separated and said and gave me another quick peck before he walked to the drawers. I didn't let my legs budge though, rather too busy letting my eyes linger on his bare broad shoulders. He must have taken his shirt off in the night, I reasoned, then eyed my own clothed body, still wearing my outfit from yesterday.

"Dream? I'm gonna go change."

"What??" He said whilst swiftly pulling a basic shirt over his head, and did a 180 to step in my way. "Don't leave me!" The blonde exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders.

"But?! My shorts literally smells like SEA SALT??"

"Okay, then—", his voice was low and hesitant, but he lets himself say what he intended, "wear my clothes."

I froze, but didn't object to the idea of it at all, though I felt embarrassment wash over myself. The way his clothes would just swallow me whole.. "Um, sorry— yeah ... I'd love to." I eventually muttered out.

"Okay.." Dream repeated with a sweet smile, sliding his hand in mine, guiding me over to the dresser. He let go and searched through the different articles of clothing.

"Here you go." I genuinely thanked him and read the print on the t shirt saying .. 'sorry.. ladies.. I suck.. dick'?!

"DREAM!" I shrieked, throwing the shirt straight in his wheezing face.

"Oh come on, it's funny! I can't believe you're hating on my shirt right now. I'm hurt!" He argued through giggles with a soft voice, as if he talked to Patches. His eyes are so warm and welcoming that I couldn't even stay annoyed at him if I tried to.

A playful, quiet giggle escaped from my mouth. "I can't believe you legitimately own that shirt.." I muttered, letting my sight fall down to unzip my shorts in a swift movement. "Um. Could you turn around idiot." I ushered, "Please."

"Mm," Dream hummed, his look lingering on my movements. He sighed after a second and averted his gaze back to my eyes, making me warm. "It's not like I didn't see your bare legs yesterday.." He said, his lips curving slowly into a sexy smile, stirring the butterflies in my stomach.

I bit a smile back, threatening to shine through. "Well, I'm changing my top too, idiot."

He nodded wordlessly and turned to face the blank wall, suddenly finding it really interesting to look at.

Once I was met with his back, I continued on undressing myself and throwing on what he gave me, —all besides the t-shirt of course, and rather picked up another one that was thrown onto an armchair. It smelled just like Dream. Citrus and cologne.

Instead of telling him I was done, I remembered when Dream snaked up behind me and gave me a back-hug, me oughting to do the same to him.

I stopped right behind him, my face barely being able to look over his shoulders. I slid my hands tentatively around his waist, securing my hold around his stomach. Dream froze in place, looking down at my hands.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now