"Normal bestfriends"

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I observed him. I watched every single little detail on Dreams face change and move. Eyes locked to the ground, tense eyebrows and faintly open lips, but on top of it all —how flushed his skin is. It has a salmon pink tint to it mainly across the nose.

Is he embarrassed? Does he not know how to turn me down? Or maybe he might actually like this mess named George.

To be fair, he is a mess as well... So, maybe we can be a mess together..? Oh my god, why did I think that.

"—rge?" Is someone calling me?

"George..?" Oh. Its Dream, I realised.

"..yeah?" I responded after a second, knowing I couldn't get away from this now. I started to fiddle with the end of my t-shirt and lifted my gaze back to his. Somehow, he looks so calm. How?

"How long?" Dream asked simply.

"No, I wo-"

"Tell me how long you —have liked me.. please." I felt insane hearing the blonde I love so much say something charged with so much curiosity.

"I dunno... like.. a really long time." I trailed off and sighed at myself, seeing how unimpressed Dream looked with my answer. I shook my head fully aware that I was in too deep now to stop.

"Well —I didn't know at the time, but there has always been something there —that just draws me to you... and.. it just got stronger over time." I shifted in my position, feeling very uncomfortable with myself. "So, I'd say... when I realised that I did —was at least, um, three years..?" I lowered my eyes to the ground feeling ashamed of myself.

That was, until he tilted my chin up again with his pointing finger and thumb —which in fact came slightly in contact with my lower lip. "Three years. We have known each other for 7. That is a long time.. George, why didn't you tell me sooner, I—"

"Yes, yes, I know! I'm a fucking prat—"

"—no! You're not. Don't —say that about yourself." We both became silent with the only thing to be heard was heavy breathing and light wavelets. Although, it didn't last long.

Dream swallowed before he opened his mouth again. "I didn't know that you were-"

"-gay? Into men?" I finished for him.

"Are you going to keep cutting of my sentences? But, no, I didn't know." Dream said tilting his head a little to the left, letting a small smile in the corner of his mouth shine through.

"But.. I don't get it. Why —why are you not mad?" I asked truthfully confused —in addition to being confused about why he still held my face.

Dream scoffed almost amusingly. "I thought I made it pretty obvious, but I guess you're just that oblivious", he teased.

I jokingly hit his chest at the audacity of this man. "But what does it meeean??", I whined demanding answers from him.

"Okay well- what other explanation would there be for me liking certain fan art, or for the things I've said, the calls we do all the time, the obsession with being 'in sync', and the 'am I in love with my best friend' quizzes.. like, do you get it?" Dream chuckled weakly under his breath. I on the other hand, let the puzzle pieces come together. Slowly.

"I thought.. it was all just a bit to you.." I confessed, feeling as if my words cut deeper than a knife.

"..." He stayed silent, looking at me with terror deep in his eyes. I blinked away the build up of fog blocking my sight, deciding to comfort him by holding my hand over his.

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