Nothing to say

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As my eyes opened everything slowly came into focus. The light of dawn seeped into my room. I rubbed my blurry eyes and squintedly looked around.

Im laying on top of a big white pillow with one arm wrapped loosely around it. It smells good.

Wait, how did I end up like this?

My thoughts started to wander trying to remember the day before.

As realisation came over me I jolted up in the bed with worry.

Where is Dream?

Fuck fuck fuck. Did I make a mistake? Did I say something wrong?

Surely not. He was the one that wanted to 'cuddle' in the first place. So.. does that mean he regrets it?

I gripped my dark hair and pushed it away from my face. Blood pounded in my ears and my throat went dry. I swallowed deeply and stepped down from the bed.

Chills streamed down my spine without the warmth of the duvet.

I shivered as I walked into the walk in closet to find something to wear. To be honest, I don't feel like doing anything but be in bed today, but then again, im hungry.

Well... okay, I have to admit that I am curious as to where Dream went off to.

I decided to try something different and grabbed some random clothes and hurriedly put them on.

As I pulled the pants up I retracted my one hand immediately. Ow. I totally forgot that my hand is injured. Ill do it more carefully..

(Screaming, crying, throwing up, banging my head into the wall)

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(Screaming, crying, throwing up, banging my head into the wall)

I added a necklace that I got from my mum and took a good look at myself in my reflection. It doesn't look bad. Eh, whatever.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, and entered the hallway hesitantly and gazed all the way to the end.

My sense of nervousness grew stronger as I took quiet steps. The only thing I can hear is my own breaths.

It is awfully quiet in the villa to be this group of people. I would expect screaming or some sort of laughter or at least voices, but instead it was completely silent.

Is everyone asleep?

I put my hand it my pocket and got a hold of my phone to read the time. 10:07.

Oh. That makes more sense.

This means I got like under 5 hours of sleep, and I still feel fine.

I looked around not spotting a single soul in sight. Then I entered the living room and I notice that the door leading outside is wide open.

Uhm okay..? I thought and trudged closer to the entry.

When I am ready | DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now