Truth or dare George

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(The cat is me at the end of the chapter oh boy.)

"Alright bois! Let's get this game started shall we?! Ill start because I'm ace at questions!" Tommy announced loudly with his signature grunt.

"No no, you're terrible actually. Just terrible. But you do you I guess. Believe whatever makes you sleep at night." Ranboo commented, and gained a few chuckles from everyone.
"Ranboo. You've changed. I thought I could trust you."

"Oh- no Tommy-! I'm sorry- it was a joke!" He visually freaked out with a high pitched voice, waving his hands in the air. While Ranboo and Tommy were going back and forth with bullying each other, Tubbo decided to take the lead. It's so endearing to see their dynamic in person.

"Truth or dare Karl!" Tubbo asked. Karl didn't have to think twice before choosing truth, because it is Tubbo we are talking about here. He could either be the most wholesome person ever, or the most chaotic troll ever. "When is the last time you lied to us?" He smiled.

"Uhm.." Karl paused trying to come up with an answer as his cheeks turned a light crimson, but could be overlooked at because of the sun. I had to hold back a laugh because I have the inkling feeling of what it is. Luckily for him he only has to say when and not about what. "Weeeeell technically, I am lying right now, so yeeah." Everyone that was snickering became dead silent. The only sounds being heard were by the public and the ocean clashing into the shore.

"Anyways! My turn! Truth or dare uh— Tommy?" Karl asked, moving on from his previous statement fairly quickly. Tommy didn't waste any time before picking dare, because he is 'fearless' according to himself. "I dare you to dig yourself under the sand!".

"WHa-! Why meee Jacobs!!" Karl giggled mischievously whilst clutching his stomach. Tommy sighed and started to dig a long hole in the sand with the help of Tubbo and Ranboo. "Alright I have a hole to dig, so truth or dare Quackity. Quick!".

"Dare." Quackity smiled smugly, not having to go through the same pain Karl did with his question.

"I dare you to tell us your crush, HAHAHAHAHA!" Tommy cackled like a madman and we all made a 'OoOoOoOoO' sound. Quackity's face dropped in a second and he became utterly stiff. I laughed especially at this.

I am just glad that im not in his shoes right now.

"What makes you think I like someone- I don't have any crushes." He said and rolled his eyes clearly moving on with his day. Weirdly nobody that didn't know unlike me, Sapnap and Karl, didn't question him any further, taking his word for it.

To be fair, he is a pretty private person anyways.

I glanced in between the tree of them who didn't dare to keep eye contact with each other. Quackity sighed before speaking again, "Truth or Dare... uhhh... Y'know what? Mi amigo Corpse! Truth or Dare?".

"Hmm, I would've picked dare, but I don't want to get sandy like Tommy cuz I got stuff to do later. I'll pick truth." Corpse decided bluntly.

"Alright, hmm. Now, what's the deal with you and George, hm? Let us in on your secrets Corpse." Quackity said high pitched with a horrible british accent if you could even call it that. I glanced at our hands totally getting that it was an appropriate thing to be curious about. I don't really understand his whole plan with doing this.

Corpse let out a deep hearty chuckle. "George and I? Well, like I said, we met at the club yesterday and.. well you could say we.." He cleared his voice. "Bonded. And then we agreed to meet here today, and so got some ice cream before joining you."

"Like a date you sayy?" Quackity pressed further with a suggestive tone while adjusting his beanie.

"Mmm whatever Gogy wants to call it." Corpse bumped gently into my side with a smirk. I felt my breath getting faint from embarrassment by all the eyes looking my way. How was he so good at plotting this on the spot? He is such a good actor. Quackity looked like he was satisfied with his replies and told him to ask someone else.

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