Chapter 1: The Death Game (Aincrad arc) (Rewritten)

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Nov 6, 2022 Japan
No one's Pov

Alex was setting up his nerve gear that he gotten from his pre order and watching the stream of Sao's launch he was getting nervous and excited to start his first VR MMO while still setting up the gear and game.

He then receives a text from his mom that she'll be back till evening late so he got to have dinner by himself

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He then receives a text from his mom that she'll be back till evening late so he got to have dinner by himself.

Alex's parents were mostly home sometimes, but due to they both had jobs, which led Alex home by himself at a young age. His father introduce him to video games and that led him to what he is now, once the setup was complete he shutted down his PC, put on his nerve gear and laid down on bed.

Alex: Link start!

Timeskip Aincrad

Soon he logged in of his UN: Monarch, he takes a look at his surroundings and see countless players simultaneously logging in.

Cut to Monarch killing monsters at the plains of the First Floor nearly getting the gist of the game. As he sees a girl with black hair and green eyes, in begining gear. Not landing any hits on begining monsters.

Monarch decided on talking to the girl and might help her.

Monarch: Hey I'm new here and seeing that you're not landing any hits I think I can might help you with it

???: Sure, I can use the help and you are?

Monarch: I'm Monarch.

Koharu: I'm Koharu.

The two get acquainted with each other and start to train, while two other players were in the area too and noticed them.

The two met the two players which they're Kirito and Klein. Which Klein asked them to join in Kirito's battle lesson

Kirito: Who said you could invite anyone, Klein?

Klein: oh c'mon now! The more the merrier, right?

Kirito: Do you really need me to teach you? You all played the beata already, right?

Monarch: I'm a new player here or am I the only one?

Klein: I'm a new player too.

Kirito instruct Monarch, Klein and Koharu how to fight correctly as they had to match the system assist. Once they gotten the handle of that, Koharu now remembers how it all works again.

Monarch: You played the beta before Koharu?

Koharu: Yes I have, why you ask?

Monarch: Well I asked out of curiosity and I say it's good to have experience, but given some wouldn't remember I would say it's a nice time to re learn something.

After they were done hunting, the four where staring off at the sunset and decide to log out. Due to it's also about time for Monarch too.

Klein: Anyways I should log out. got a pizza that I order coming at 5pm.

Kirito: Got it, see you.

Klein: Hey you three question how do I log out?

Kirito: What? you can't be serious it's right here?

Monarch: This can't be a bug It's the same thing for me too?

Koharu: Is the menu the only way to log out? Is there no other way?

Kirito: The admin would have notice this and would forced all players to logged out of the server.

While that Kirito explained to Klein of the nerve gear functions of the brain can only logged him out is by the menu or someone outside gets him out.

Suddenly the four heard a bell ranged soon there were teleported to the main plaza where every player were all gathered.

Player: Is this a event?

Then the sky box turned red and huge hooded figure appeared.

Kayaba: Ladies and Gentlemen I am Kayaba Akihiko head programmer Of this world, Sword Art Online.

He then explained players that they are trapped in the game by his purpose, the only way to log out is to beat 100 floors. If they died in the game they will dead in the real world, to proved it Kayaba showed them media reports of people deceased of what he said.

Klein: Don't Tell me he's being serious with this guys.

Kirito: He is, the nerve gear scans our bodies and it's signals emits on its transmitter acting same as microwaves.

Soon later Kayaba have everybody reverted to their real appearances.

Koharu: Huh? Why does everyone look different?

Klein: Different? Woah, this is just like my real face...

Kirito: Klein? Is that you?

Klein: That you, Kirito? Do that you Monarch?

Koharu: Really, is that you Monarch?

Monarch: You hardly change at all, Koharu.

Koharu: I just use my real face. I don't usually play games anyway. I just bought the nerve gear from the VR shopping mall.
Couldn't find good clothes with a fake face, right? This is just the same avatar I used for trying on clothes in VR. Which when I started up the beta I converted the same appearance when it asked me.

Monarch: Okay that's something I didn't want to know, but hey it doesn't matter which it kinda raised a question since we all been reverted to our real faces.

Kayaba: Now that all of you are informed I bid you farewell this marks the end of the tutorial.

With Kayaba avatar's dissipated everyone all panicked of making everyone fend for themselves.

Kirito and Klein were not seen. As Koharu sits down in silence, as the reality that is happening is causing fear around everywhere.

Monarch's Mind: We're trapped here to our own deaths. If so the only way to get out is to survive and beat this game.

Monarch finished thinking in his mind as he looks to where Kirito and Klein were. But found that they're not here and he sees Koharu next to him as he gains her attention.

Monarch: Koharu... C'mon we need to go, staying here won't do any good.
We have to earn levels and fight to survive. I won't leave you, the possible way to get out is to beat the floors and this game.

Koharu: Thanks... Just the thought of being stuck here it was too much to bear.

Monarch: Then let's go!

Monarch and Koharu head out to fight as they learn more of how the game works and leveling up.

Koharu: I guess that's seems to be the only way, huh... But if our HP drops to zero, we'll... Really die...

Monarch: We'll never make it out, If we don't get stronger.

Koharu: I know, I know, but... I'm still scared.

Monarch: I'll protect you.

Koharu: Thanks Monarch.

The two would later became partners and they will take on whatever the world would bring at them.

End of chapter 1

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now