Chapter 21: Leaving A Mark On Record (Rewritten)

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No one's Pov

Yuuki brought Monarch to a tavern with five players sitting on a table.

Yuuki introduced everyone to Monarch which who are Jun, Tecchi, Talken, Nori, Siune and last is Yuuki herself as the guild leader of The Sleeping Knights.

Yuuki explains to Monarch that she and her guild wants to clear a boss floor only 6 players but having Monarch as a addition to have their names on the Memorial of Swordsmen.
Monarch agrees to help them and teach them of what he knew about raiding the boss that their tackling.

Monarch then tells everyone he's helping out Yuuki clearing a boss floor.
Monarch also took Kirito's knowledge of his time during the beta test of Sao.
It's that taking risks for a high gain, Which have been used in the time in the death game.


It was finally the time for The Sleeping Knights to be engraved on the wall. Which they fought the last of the monster where they reach the boss room's door but stops.

Yuuki: Monarch what's wrong?

Monarch pulls out a kunai and throws it at the doors side which a scream was heard. As three players appears by using illusion magic.

Player: D- Don't kill us! we aren't here to fight!

Monarch: Then drop your weapons.

The players did as Monarch said and they dropped their weapons.

Monarch: If they reach for their weapons
Siune bind them with magic.

Siune: Alright.

Monarch questions the Players.

Monarch: Why are you hiding? you're not exactly PKers?

Player: We're waiting for someone. We didn't choose to fight the monsters, so we hid while waiting for our friends.

Monarch: Okay do you mind that we fight the boss if you're waiting.

Player: No of course not.

Monarch and others enters the boss room to stick with their strategy. While Monarch was supposed about those three players back there, they have some type of purpose.

Later They were beaten by the boss which Monarch told them about the three players.

Monarch: I have my doubts about those three players they're from a guild which fight bosses and they were watching us as they come up a strategy for their guild to go with.
And that is why all of you have been unable to get the bosses before due that they been using that plan.

Talken: But how the boss room door closes behind how they wouldn't be able to look and learned anything.

Monarch: I think they have a familiar which I saw a Small gray lizard which of a darkness spell that they cast to spy on us.

Everyone looked sadden of hearing that their previous efforts were wasted as they tried to do on the current one.

Monarch: Hey don't worry we still have time let's try again. Even they had large guild it would take them time to gather of being ready.

Everyone agreed to Monarch suggestion and head back to the boss room.


Monarch message Kirito and the others to help him and Yuuki's guild with a raid group that would fight them for the boss room.

As Monarch and the Sleeping Knights reach the entrance of the boss room, they see that a group of player were gathered there.

Monarch: They seem like they're still waiting for the rest to show up. I'll go ask them to let us through.

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now