Chapter 11: King's Endgame (End of Aincrad Arc) (Rewritten)

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Nov 7, 2024 Floor 10
No one's Pov

It's been 7 days since what happened at Floor 1, Where Monarch and Koharu are at town shopping when Monarch received an message.

Monarch: A message from Heathcliff, what does he want?

Koharu: Monarch, something the matter?

Monarch: Heathcliff wants to meet me about something. You can stay or come with me?

Koharu: I'm going with you, let's go.

The two teleported to Floor 55. At KoB HQ, the two sees Kirito and Asuna and someone with them too.

Kirito: Monarch!

Asuna: Koharu, so you two are back together again. How you two been?

Monarch: We been alright and you two finally come together.

Kirito: Oh I can say for you too.

Kirito and Asuna look to Monarch and Koharu. As All four of them noticed their rings. Monarch then asks who's she with them.

Monarch: Hey, Uh Kirito, Asuna Who's she?

Strea: I'm Strea, Kirito's second wife.

Monarch/Koharu: What?

Kirito: Long story- Ow! Asuna, what was that for I was explaining to them!

With Asuna in her jealous mood, Kirito tells Monarch and Koharu that he'll explain later at another time.
As they then entered in the war room.

Heathcliff explains the situation of why they were summoned here that the scout party were wiped out at Floor 75 boss room and were unable to teleport out. Which Heathcliff says to assemble an attack force to take out The 75th boss.

Kirito: We'll help, But in one condition Asuna's safety is my highest priority if things gets worse I'll protect her over the rest of the party.

Monarch: That goes same for me. I'll give everything of my life for Koharu.

Heathcliff: Two men who has something to protect is strong. I'll be looking forward to it.

At Floor 10 Monarch and Koharu are at the Inari shrine spending their time left before heading off to floor 75.

Monarch: Koharu, you may get mad from me saying this. I want you to stay here than go fight the boss with me.

Koharu: Why ask me of that?

Monarch: There's no knowing what would happen in there, you heard what Heathcliff said there's no escape even with teleport crystals.

Koharu: So you want to go by yourself, while you want me to wait here where it's safe?

Monarch: Yes.

Koharu: No! Ever since what happened at Floor 61 and us having to split, you're acting like yourself from before of protecting me!
We're in this together, you are my partner and I love you. If you go and didn't come back, I wouldn't be able to bear it and I would go back to what I tried to do when we're at floor 61!

Monarch: Koharu... Guess I can't argue with you after what we gone so far.
But have you considered what's happening to all of us, it's been two years that our bodies are bearly kept alive on hospital beds and for that we're in a countdown of how long that we would last if this game would be cleared or not.

Koharu teared up as she hugs Monarch which he hugs her back.

Koharu: I want be with you forever of the rest of our lives! I want us to meet and date for real! To marry you and grow old together!

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now