Chapter 3: Partners Becomes A Duo Of Force

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No one's Pov

Since after the backlash of floor 1,
Players have been gaining ground on moving up through the floors.
Monarch and Koharu took on floor after floor which they help made progress for the clearers to go on.

Which the two made a name of themselves with each clear. As they were called The Dou of Force.
Alongside they meet bunch of people in their way as they become acquainted with them.

A year has past and a rise to guilds arouse which some are friendly, some are not so much friendly as they turned to banditry.

But the worse are the ones that kill people for fun. Monarch and Koharu have a encounter with one at floor 12 and another one later on floor 20.
But they ended up in death by Monarch when they have Koharu hostage.

After floor 20, the two heard news that red guilds, orange guilds and the guild Laughing Coffin that they encountered from before, are increasing the death toll more further.

Monarch couldn't bear to let it stand and started taking bounty hunting, just to give players less to worry about than monsters killing them but they'll always be more.
Koharu went with Monarch's bounty hunting business and reason with him that if they happen to get a chance of taking the bounty alive for imprisonment which he agrees.

Monarch and Koharu took some time off on a town in floor 24. As Monarch notice his friends list that Kirito joined a guild along side with the guild emblem :The Moonlit Black Cats.

Monarch's mind: Huh normally he was a loner for a long while, guessing he's a social person now?

After Monarch stopped thinking of that then he heard a melodic sound that caught his attention which he follows the sound and Koharu followed too, which leads them to female bard playing with her lute.

She then notice and asks the two.

Bard girl: Hello what's your names you two?

Monarch: I'm Monarch.

Koharu: I'm Koharu.

Yuna: My name's Yuna nice to meet you Monarch and Koharu.

Monarch: Nice to meet you too Yuna I find it odd that a Bard is here of all these places? ah! I didn't mean any offense by that.

Yuna: Not at all, oh wanna listen to my song? That I was working on it'll be a lot to me for you two to first hear from it?

Monarch: Okay I'll have a listen.

Koharu: Go ahead we have the time.

Yuna began playing and sang, her voice was so angelic and made Monarch and Koharu feel their heart warmed up and nothings takes their attentions away just focusing on the song and her making them smile after she was done performing she'd asks the two.

Yuna: Well what do you think of my song Monarch?

Monarch: It was really heart warming you putted your soul to into the song it made me smile.

Yuna: Ah. thank you and I just come a name for, Smile for you.

Koharu: It was wonderful.

Monarch: Well I think it will make people listen to your song and have you make more with your music and singing anyway We should be going now.

Yuna: Thank you Monarch, Koharu and one more thing.

Monarch/Koharu: Yes?

Yuna: I hope we three meet and again it's really nice knowing you and to have someone to call as a friend now.

Yuna smiles at Monarch and Koharu.

Monarch: Yeah I hope so too, bye Yuna.

Monarch and Koharu waved goodbye to Yuna.

Dec 24, 2024
7 months later

It was soon to be Christmas in the game which it's featuring a event themed of it. Monarch checked his friends list that he noticed that Kirito status has been changed that there was no emblem.

That gotten Monarch curious, as he and Koharu went to find Argo the Info broker.
They ask what happened to the Blacklit Black Cats guild and she said that the whole guild were killed.
She gave a tip that a rumoured event item revives fallen players that spawns from this event the two thanked and her paid.

Monarch's mind: If Kirito asking for a death wish just to get that thing to revive his dead guild mates, then he is either crazy or determined.

Monarch and Koharu found Kirito and they implore him as soon they asked him a group teleported revealed that it's Klein and his guild, Klein asked the same thing to Kirito.
Then they were met by the Divine Dragon Alliance, Klein and his guild hold them off while Kirito, Monarch and Koharu gone inside the labyrinth. The three were facing up to the boss revealing a messed up Santa.

Nicholas the Renegade: Naughty!

Monarch: What the fu-

Kirito: Kill it! Arrghhh!


Later the three exit out of the labyrinth while the Fuurinkazans were exhausted.

Klein: Hey you three how it go, did you get it?

Kirito toss the item to Klein.

Monarch: Read it's description.

Klein: That can't be?! only ten seconds after a death, hey! Kirito please don't give up on living, you have so much to live for you keep living until the end. You too Monarch and Koharu, you two take care of him alright?

Monarch: We will Klein we will.

Kirito was in his inn room when he received a message from Sachi. He broke down from the message as Monarch and Koharu were outside of his room.

Koharu: Kirito is really taking it hard...

Monarch: We should comfort him. Until he feels better.

They went inside to console him and to spend the holiday with him for what he'd been through.

Monarch: Here Kirito.

Monarch gave Kirito a hot chocolate and sitting next to him at a bench

Monarch: Merry Christmas Kirito.

Kirito: You too buddy, Merry Christmas.

The three clinked their cups and drank their beverages while listening to a white hat Bard playing her lute and singing thoughout the plaza.

End of chapter 3

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