Chapter 10: Yui: A Girl Who Has A Soul (Rewritten)

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Oct 25, 2024 Floor 10
No one's Pov

Monarch and Koharu are back together being partners and they decided to be married officially, which the couple are living on Floor 10 in their samurai house.
Now the two are sitting at the living room.

Monarch: Well since we spended on this house during the time of Floor 61, and for our marriage arrangements I say we're completely broke.

Koharu: Oh quit complaining this is a nice place to settle, hey let's go explore around this floor.

Monarch: Yeah let's, Floor 10 may have something interesting to see.


While the two were on their walk Koharu asks Monarch.

Koharu: Hey, Monarch let me sit on your shoulders.

Monarch: Why ask me of that? you can see much everything in your height.

Koharu: Well I wanted to see the scenery, on top of you.

Monarch bend down to let Koharu get on his shoulders. Once she was on Monarch stood up Koharu was able to see the lake.

Koharu: The scenery is beautiful.

Monarch: Well are you glad that you're enjoying the view.

Koharu: Oh stop being a complainer and try too enjoy having me on top of your shoulders.

Monarch thought of an idea after what Koharu said and starts running making her felt surprised but soon the two were laughing.

Monarch: Koharu can you tell me about yourself, what's your interests or things that you like to do in the real world?

Koharu: I have a great interest in music given my mother is a piano instructor and taught me how to play. When I was little played TV games and smartphone mobile games, those were the only gaming experience I have until the beta of Sao was my first VR mmorpg.

Monarch: Well that's good interest and a understanding how you gotten into games.
I gotten into gaming by my dad when I was little, mostly I enjoyed a game franchises that my dad's career was heavily influenced by it given he's a pilot of the defense force. Ace Combat.

Sao too was my first VR mmorpg given I tried it out at launch.
But anyways that's enough of that, you're a kind person who cared for anything in which that was how I fallen for you.

Koharu: And I love you of who you are too, which you care and fight to protect, brave to face anything and kind.

Monarch: Thanks, that means a lot from you Koharu.

The two were walking through a forest to a sacred Inari shrine. Which gave an idea to Monarch something to frighten Koharu.

Monarch: You know there's a rumor going on from the villagers that take this path, witness a ghost with long black hair and wearing a white dress.

Koharu didn't bought in what Monarch was saying, until she heard and looks at a direction that fits the description of the ghost.

Koharu: Monarch let me down, let me down!

Monarch: Huh what's wrong?

Koharu gets off Monarch and hid behind him then points to the direction that she seen the ghost.

Monarch: I was being serious?

When the two saw the ghost it collapsed to the ground. Monarch rushed to the ghost and picks it up in his arms and sees that it isn't a ghost.

Koharu: A player?

Monarch: No she doesn't have a cursor.

Koharu: Maybe she's a NPC if she is we would have received some type of quest either way this is odd. is this some kind of bug?

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now