Chapter 17: Having Closure for Both of Us (End of Phanton Bullet Arc) Rewritten

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No one's Pov

As Sinon was about to be executed but Death Gun was shot by a burst of bullets, he then return fire at the one who shot him.
Then three grenades were thrown onto the ground.

Sinon's mind: Grenades!

The two grenades emits smoke and third one set off a big flash blinding Death Gun and Sinon.

Monarch moves in, picks up Sinon, her rifle and ran.

Sinon: Monarch...? Stop that's enough just leave me here...

Monarch: I won't abandon you! I can't do this by myself and I need you!

As they were running while being shot at they look up ahead choices of transportation.

Sinon: Take the buggy. The horse gallops fast but it's hard to handle.

Monarch: Got it.

Monarch sets Sinon down on the side seat and starts the buggy. And drove it till they stoped at a few feets.

Monarch: Sinon, I need you to take out that horse with your rifle.

Sinon: Alright I'll try.

Sinon aimed and was about to pull the trigger but couldn't.

Sinon's mind: What? Why?

Monarch: Sinon something's wrong? Is it jammed?

Sinon: I can't do it... I-I can't pull the trigger!

The two then see that Death Gun found them and gave chase. Monarch pulled Sinon back to her seat.

Monarch: Sinon, hang on!

Monarch throttle the handle bars and the buggy move at full acceleration.

Then Death Gun was riding on the robotic horse and was catching up to Monarch and Sinon.

Sinon having her fears caught up to her made her in a panicked state of not wanting to relive her memory. While she is in the situation right of now.

Monarch: Sinon, listen to me I know you're scared but at this rate, he'll catch up to us. I need you to fire back at him.

Sinon: I can't!

Monarch: You don't have to hit him, just slow him down or something!

Sinon: I can't!

Monarch: Yes you can! I know you can!

Sinon: He's... He's...

Monarch: If you can't then, I'll shoot him myself!

Sinon: Hecate... It's a part of me... No one can use it but me...

Monarch: Then prove it, see that you are worthy to wield her.

Sinon aimed her sniper at Death Gun and tried to pull the trigger again but couldn't.

Sinon: I can't shoot. I can't do it... My finger won't move. I can't fight anymore...

Monarch: Don't lose to yourself everyone can fight with a reason. It's a choice of do or do not.
Let me help you, you're not alone for you to deal with your struggles.

Monarch puts a hand on Sinon's and she felt calm and has been opened by his words. She focused on lining up her shot on Death Gun and fired.
The shot misses but it ended up hitting a gas tank which blows up having Death Gun caught in it.

Monarch and Sinon has managed to escape and headed to the Desert area. They found a cave and hide there.

After the two shared of what happen back there. Sinon wanted to go outside while Monarch was going to fight Death Gun alone which then it turned into an argument.

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now