Chapter 5: Crossing Songs (Rewritten)

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March 6, 2024 Aincrad Floor 56 Pani
No one's Pov

An assault meeting was held at Floor 56
Monarch, Koharu, Kirito, Klein, and Agil are attending with other players Which the meeting is hosted by the Knights of Blood oaths Guild Second in command: Asuna.

Asuna: We'll lure the field boss into the village.

Kirito: Wait if we do something like that the villagers will...

Asuna: That's the goal. While the boss is killing NPCs we'll attack and destroy it.

Kirito: NPCs aren't just 3-D objects like trees or props! They're-

Asuna: Alive? Is that it? They're only objects even if they're killed they'll just respawn.

Monarch: True, but what if they were a quest giver if they were killed how your are going to get the rewards if the NPC is dead or what about that it could be a vendor there's no guarantee.
This Is a death game for crying out loud we all need options to choose in this matter.

Kirito: I can't go along with this plan.

Monarch: I as well.

Asuna: It's been decided that this operation will be run by myself, I Asuna, Vice Commander of the Knights of Blood Oaths you will obey my orders. That will be all for today.

Monarch, Koharu, Kirito, and other players left the meeting. Agil talked with Kirito while Klein was speaking to Monarch and Koharu.

Klein: So what are you two going to be doing since you're not joining the raid?

Monarch I don't know maybe go around to lower floors to wait till the next floor is unlock or go bounty hunting.

Klein: Well alright then you two be careful out there.

Monarch: You as well Klein keep fighting the samurai way.

Klein: Oh said from a samurai himself.

Monarch: I'm not that kind of samurai.

They then parted ways.

Timeskip: April 11, 2024 Floor 45

In a hidden hideout Monarch and Koharu was going on a killing spree against laughing Coffin, Public enemy No.1 red guild of the game. with coffin members being blowned up by sticky bombs, kunais thrown at them and getting cut down by Monarch leaving it as blood bath.

Koharu was doing work as well once she finished up with her end but isn't very happy about it. As she left with Monarch.

Monarch: Koharu you alright?

Koharu: I'm fine Monarch honest.

Monarch: Koharu, those people taken lives away than the game itself or the ones who did by taking their own. I hope you can go through with it and I'm here for you.

Koharu: Thanks Monarch.

Monarch and Koharu left the hideout teleported back to town and thought what's next for them to do. Until Monarch checks his friends list seeing that Silica is at Floor 50, Kirito is still at Floor 59 and Yuna is at Floor 40.

Monarch and Koharu decided to go where Yuna is to see that she's still there upon arriving they found Yuna, the three stared at each other as Monarch was first to speak.

Monarch: Hello, Yuna it's been awhile since we saw each other back during Christmas.

Yuna: It has Monarch and you too Koharu, it's been a long time how are you.

Monarch: I could say the same to you.

Yuna: I'm been doing well singing my songs around every floor as they became open.

Monarch: Well we been fighting to clear the floors and the game to get everyone home.

Yuna: So what are you doing here now and how you find me?

Monarch: Friends list remember.

Yuna: oh I guess I forgotten about that. hey Monarch, Koharu want to come with me to where ever I sing my songs.

Monarch: Alright I guess that's something we would do when we've found you.

Yuna: Okay let's go shall we!

(A/N) Play the song

With that Monarch, Koharu and Yuna went on to multiple floors ranging to lower to higher ones of having Yuna Singing made anyone come to witness her performance with Monarch and listening and watching Yuna of her new songs made him smiling.

Monarch's mind: She made alot of new songs while I was away.

Timeskip Floor 40 Jaileum

Monarch, Koharu and Yuna are at Floor 40 in the town of Jaileum, Monarch and Koharu were carrying food that they bought to share it with Yuna for lunch till the two found Yuna talking to a guy.
Which Yuna then noticed Monarch and Koharu as she introduced the three.

Yuna: Monarch, Koharu this is Nautilus he's a childhood friend of mine, Nautilus this is Monarch and Koharu they're friends of mine.

Nautilus: Nice to meet you Monarch and Koharu.

Koharu: Hello Nautilus.

Monarch: Good to meet you as well Nautilus. We seen each other before on floor 13, That's a uniform of the Kob guild you're a member now am I'm right?

Nautilus: Yes, but not anymore.

Monarch: What happened?

Nautilus: It's best for me not to say. But I'll tell you about it another time.

Monarch: Well anyways here's lunch Yuna.

Yuna: Thanks Monarch, Here Nautilus have some.

Yuna offer Nautilus a sweet roll.

Nautilus: Sure, thanks Yuna.


Monarch, Koharu, Yuna and Nautilus were sitting near of flower garden on Floor 47.

Yuna: So Monarch, Koharu now that Nautilus and I told you our names now it's your two turns.

Monarch: Okay I'll tell you It's Alex, Alex Arch.

Koharu: Koharu, Koharu Honda.

Monarch: Wait you used your real name?

Koharu: Yes, since the beginning of the game's launch.

Yuna: Those are nice names.

Nautilus: I agree too, I think I should tell you three, why that I'm no longer in the the guild any more due to that I couldn't found myself to fight in the frontlines because I was afraid of dying... Despite of what I said back there when we first met

Monarch: We're all afraid of something but it takes time to overcome it. You'll find a way to over come it and have to fight someday.

Nautilus: Thanks, Alex I appreciate it.

Monarch checked the time and gets up.

Monarch: I guess it's time for Koharu and me to get back to the front lines it was nice hanging out with you Yuna and nice meeting you Eiji.

Yuna: Well goodbye Monarch, Koharu take care.

Nautilus: Yeah. goodbye you two see you next time.

The four said their goodbyes.

A month later Monarch then received a message from Kirito that they need to talk about something important.

(A/N) The lore of the date year from the wiki fandom, are altered change in this book is to make it seems that Yuuna and Eiji had lived longer for one more year till the end.

End of chapter 5

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now