Chpater 12: Dance With The Angels (Fairy Dance Arc) (Rewritten)

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Jan 20, 2025 Japan.
No one's Pov

It's been two months after all player were logged out of Sao but not all, only half of the player base are out of the game. Koharu and Asuna are among the ones that are still logged in.

Alex was then putted in contact of an representative from the Sao Incident investigation task force under the Internal Affair's of Japan's government. to give information on Sao, in exchange to know where Koharu is.

As Alex knows that Koharu is being cared for in a different hospital, which he went to visit her.

Alex: Koharu... I wish for you to wake up and to get well.

Suddenly Alex heard the room's door opened as he sees Koharu's mother entered.

Mrs. Honda: Oh you're here, Arch. Thank you for looking after and seeing, my daughter.

Alex: Hello, and sorry to bother you, Mrs. Honda.

Mrs. Honda: No, not at all. Come whenever you like. I'm sure it'll makes her happy, that she has you to check up on her.

Koharu's mother put down a bouquet of flowers at the counter. Until someone call out to Koharu's mother, which a man in a suit wearing glasses came up.

Mrs. Honda: Ah, you haven't met before haven't you? This is Sugou.

Sugou: I'm Sugou Nobuyuki. Nice to meet you.

Alex: Arch Alex.

Sugou: Oh, really? So you're the hero Monarch?

Alex was in confusion as he was hand shaken by Sugou, while Koharu's mother explain.

Mrs. Honda: Sugou is a son to a dear friend, to the Yuuki family of RCT Company.

Sugou: Oh Mrs. Honda, may I ask I'd like to make it official.

Mrs. Honda: I see... But are you certain? Given you already had made one earlier.

Sugou: My heart has always been set on two things, which I saved this for second. I'd like Koharu to wear the dress until she wakes up.

Alex's: What in the heck, is he talking about?!

Mrs. Honda: Then... Alright, it may be time to decide. But not right now I have to get going now, we can discuss this another time. Arch I'll see you again.

Koharu's mother left the room as Alex was in disbelief of what he's picturing.

Alex's Mind: This can't be true...

Sugou: I heard that inside the game, you were living with Koharu.

Alex: Yes...

Sugou: Then I suppose that complicates thing between us.

Sugou: What you may have guessed or thought of, was discussing about Koharu's marriage to me.

Alex: That's you can't be, it's not possible... with her in...

Sugou: Yes, indeed. Normally it can't be done legally. On paper, I'll be simply adopted into the Yuuki family and be wed to Koharu until she wakes up. Clearly she doesn't know me and if marriage was ever discussed, she's likely will reject me. So those situations is quite fortunate for me, given I would be having two wives now.

Alex who doesn't like what's he's hearing and seeing, he stepped up to Sugou and grabbed his arm.

Alex: Enough. Stop it now, clearly that's a disgusting fantasy and if you touched her again. I will break your fingers!

Sugou hearing from Alex as he shoves off Alex's grip on his arm while Alex says more back to Sugou.

Alex: Clearly you wanted to take advantage of her while she's in a coma?

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now