Chapter 12: An Alliance in Jeopardy (Rewritten)

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Jan 21, 2025 Japan, Kirigaya residence
No one's Pov

Alex went to visit the Kirigaya residence and as he was there Kazuto opens the door.

Kazuto: Alex you're here, you'd called about wanting to visit?

Alex: Yeah my mom thinks I should do me some good to get out more, since it's been 2 years of that death game.

Kazuto: Well make yourself at home then.

Alex was sitting at the living room's sofa then Suguha came to the room.

Suguha: Hey Kazuto, who's he?

Kazuto: That's Alex, Suguha. Or as he's Monarch in game.

Suguha: Monarch? Ah it's nice to meet you A-Alex.

Alex: Huh?

Kazuto: (Whispers) My sister's a fan of yours.

Alex: Ah.

Suguha: Alex do you do kendo? your sword technique is very familiar too it.

Alex: No actually, it's very promising that I could do it. but I learned my technique from other video games move sets.

Suguha: Oh...

Suguha felt disappointed of Alex's response.

Alex: But I could take a kendo match with you. I wanna give it a try.

Suguha beamed with excitement of hearing his offer. The three headed to the Kendo house and Kazuto spectates the the match as Alex and Suguha gets themselves ready.

Suguha drews her sword and gets into a stance while Alex just stands there having his hand on his sword.

Suguha: Why is he just standing and that stance. He's just like Kazuto.

Suguha rush forward preparing to strike. Alex drew his sword and blocks her attack.
That caught Suguha at surprised and she decide to attack more. Alex kept a good defense and did a parry to Suguha.

They kept at it with defending and attacking until Alex dodge to the side and strikes. Suguha noticed it and blocks it, then Alex decided to end it by performing a thrust which made Suguha off guard and gets tapped ending the match.

Alex: Good fight.

Suguha: Thanks you're good.

Kazuto: Not bad on your first try I'd didn't manged to beat Suguha on my own fighting style.

Suguha: That's because your's don't work.

Kazuto: But what about Alex's?

Suguha: Same difference!


Alex then head home and his mom talked with him

Mom: Alex how was your visit at Kazuto's.

Alex: It was okay. Hey mom, dad left for the air force after News year's?

Mom: Yes, he has.

Alex: Anyways, I'm jumping back in game.

Mom: Just be careful please, and decide on getting back to school.

Alex: Alright I will.

Later Alex logged back in to ALO Waking up at the tavern then meets up with Kirito and Leafa.
They went to shopping gear for Monarch which they lended him Money. Which Monarch used to buy a Kensei Armor with white and red autumn colors,

 Which Monarch used to buy a Kensei Armor with white and red autumn colors,

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The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now