Lemon Chapter: Koharu

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Warning this chapter is a lemon that if you're underage you may not feel comfortable of sexual content view with your own judgement, I suggest you don't read this chapter.

Floor 10 Samurai House

Monarch and Koharu were in the bedroom, as Monarch asks Koharu.

Monarch: Koharu, I want you. I don't want to lose you, so will you have me?

Koharu: Alex... Yes!

Koharu kisses Monarch as they go on with their kissing, as they gasp for air. Koharu moans as Monarch breaths heavily.

The two strip their clothes and Monarch grope Koharu's breasts as she felt the pleasure and moans.

Koharu: Monarch... Ah, do they feel nice?

Monarch: They, feel like they're really just like the real thing. Can I go on more?

Koharu: Go on.

Monarch starts sucking on Koharu's boob as she moan more, Monarch the have his finger on her lower bottom.

Koharu: Alex... I'm going to, ahh!

Koharu came as wetness spewed out from her.

Koharu panted heavily she holds onto Monarch and have him pushed down on the bed. Which she gets on top of him.

Monarch: Koharu... You're being too sudden.

Koharu: Alex, let me be with you together and feel you inside me.

Monarch hold onto Koharu hands as she was nervous of doing it, as she and Monarch entered inside she winces the small pain.

As they started moving, Koharu moans and pants while she rides onto Monarch. Koharu feels happy as she smiles and Monarch smiles too, the two kept on going until they climax.

Koharu laid down on Monarch being worn out from that experience as the two laugh.

Monarch: You want to go on more.

Koharu: Yes, let's do more!

Monarch and Koharu did more as they gone through of doing from doggy, having Monarch on top of Koharu.
And finally later Koharu being groped by Monarch behind her as she rides him.

The two moan as Koharu's face being happy from the pleasure and Monarch holding Koharu's hand while his other hand is on her boob. The two cum, as they were exhausted which they kiss and talk in bed while holding hands.

Koharu: That was amazing... For our first time.

Monarch: It was. Koharu I promise that I'll get us both home and that we'll meet in the real world, which we would be happy with each other.

Koharu: Alright, then it's a promise.

Monarch: Koharu, will you marry me?

Koharu: Aren't we married?

Monarch: I mean properly and officially, that wedding from before was alright. But I wanted to fully live that life with you.

Koharu: Oh... Alex, yes I will!

Monarch smiles and Koharu laughs of happiness as they both press the marriage button on the their menu. They then cuddle and fall asleep.

End of lemon Chapter

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