Chapter 24: Future Of Augmented Reality (Ordinal Scale) (Rewritten)

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No one's Pov

Back during in Sao, Monarch was with Koharu in Floor 10 watching the night sky.

Koharu: It's a shame you can't see the stars in Aincrad.

Monarch: Well I would say the night sky seems close enough. Even though they're not like real stars.

Koharu: I've never seen a shooting star. Where I live in the real world the night sky's too bright there.

Monarch: So you're a city girl? I didn't know that.

Koharu: Hey, Monarch come now don't tease me!

Monarch: Calm down, I live in the city too. You know there's a spot perfect for stargazing, it's just like this forest here.

Koharu: Then let's promise to go see a meteor shower there someday, when we clear the game!

Monarch: Sure that's a promise and I'll give you a real ring in the real world too.

Koharu: Yeah, I would like that Alex.

On the day of May 4, they'll go and see the meteor shower. Which now leads to
present time, Alex was using his computer while thinking back of the memory of that planned day. As he turned off his computer and retired for the night.

On the next day

At a restaurant, Alex was staring blankly to the window as Koharu was sitting near him. While Kazuto was watching Asuna, Keiko, Rika, Narairo and Nijika are all playing a remade classic game :Pac-Man on the Augma.
The Augma: A new next generation wearable multi device which is used for any purposes but mainly used for Augmented Reality.

Keiko: Yes, we finish it!

Asuna: Good work girls, great coordination.

Keiko: That got us a 100 points.

Rika: Oh we also gotten a free cake reward lucky!

Kazuto: Aren't you girls, playing games too much?

Keiko: I'm surprised that you're telling us that Kirito!

Rika: Even so you can get points by playing them which allows you shop on various shops. So might as well give it a try.

Rika then sees Alex still staring out the window which she'd gets his attention.

Rika: Hey what's makes you looking blank.

Alex: Huh? Oh I was thinking about my something last night before heading to bed.

Koharu: Thinking about Yuuki?

Alex: Yes. I heard they say that her health is improving and most likely she'll be released next month.

Rika: Thats good to hear, how about lets get back at the topic which these things are so useful we can see tv anywhere. They're easier to use than a smart phone and we can see weather reports change quickly. Plus, we can talk to Yui and Strea directly.

As Rika saids that Yui appeared in her pixy form and Strea in casual clothes appeared after.

As Rika saids that Yui appeared in her pixy form and Strea in casual clothes appeared after

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The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now