Chapter 15: Sins of The Past (Rewritten)

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GGO Governor's office
No one's Pov

Monarch and the girl are inside the Governor's office. Given that they arrived there in time.

Girl: You can enter the tournament, by signing up on the terminals.

Monarch: Alright.

Monarch walks up to the terminal and sees that it wants to have him fill out his real life information and name. He choose to skip it and signs up.

Monarch's mind: Yeah, not happening today.

Girl: Are you done?

Monarch: Yup.

Girl: Anyways, which block are you in?

Monarch: Block F, #37.

Girl: I'm in block F, too #12, maybe it's due to we signed up a the same time. Which means if I run into you, I'll be in the finals.

Monarch: Oh I see that you're betting on that.

Girl: As long that you make it to semi finals of the qualifiers, You'll then can participate in the battle royale of the main tournament. so it's possible we could both get into the main tournament.

Monarch: Okay then.

Girl: But if I do see you in the finals, even if it's the qualifiers... I won't go easy on you.

Monarch grins at the girl.

Monarch: Then I'll see you up to that deal.

After they signed up they took an elevator to the next floor for the qualifiers and then sees a lot of different players.

Girl: I'm going to get changed, You'll take that other room to get yourself change.

Monarch: Got it.

After she gone into the changing room Monarch take a look at the players, wondering that one of them could be Death Gun until.

Player #1: Hey it's that new guy who beated the untouchable game!

Then more players joined into the fuss which caused them to ask Monarch for an invite to join in their squads.

Monarch gotten inside a changing room to get away from the players bombarding him.

Monarch: (Sigh) It's day one and I'm already a celebrity, huh.

Monarch then turned to sees it was the same girl from before and sees she's in a pissed expression and blushing red, while she was in a middle of changing clothes.

Monarch's Mind: Oh crap!

Girl: You...

Monarch: Wait, wait, wait! It was and accident, I didn't mean to, I forgotten that you're–

The girl didn't listen, as she covers herself and have her hand about to slap Monarch in the face,

The girl didn't listen, as she covers herself and have her hand about to slap Monarch in the face,

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The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now