Chapter 9: Finding an Odd and Saving a Friend (Rewritten)

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Oct 19, 2024 Floor 50 Algade
No one's Pov

Monarch and Kirito are hiding at Agil shop when all players caught wind of their skills while Agil was reading the latest article that was published.

Agil: A Minotaur boss that wiped out half of a squad was taken down by a duel wielder of a 50 hit combo and a double bladed wielder with a 55 hit combo.

Monarch: That's seem a little exaggerated but it's true and the news spread like wildfire.

Kirito: Not only that we been chased like celebrities that their fans want an autograph, that everyone to know how we got those skills. Which I couldn't get to my house in one piece.

Liz came from the storage room and says to Monarch.

Liz: You're the one who revealed it despite it was our little secret Monarch.

Liz smirks at Monarch while he just shrugs it off, Then Asuna came running in.

Asuna: Kirito we got situation, what are we going to do?

Timeskip Floor 55, Grandum

At the Knights of the Blood Oaths HQ Monarch, Kirito and Asuna are standing in front leader of the guild, Heathcliff.

Heathcliff: I believe this is our first time meeting outside of a boss fight. isn't, Kirito.

Kirito: No we spoke before during Floor 67 boss raid conference, Commander Heathcliff.

Heathcliff: That was a difficult battle nearly suffered heavy losses back there.
Despite being ranked as the top guild, our manpower are at their limits.
And now you're trying to take away one of our precious and vital member.

Kirito: If she's really that important to you. You should've pick better body guards to begin with.

Heathcliff: I apologize for any trouble that Kuradeel has caused you, But since we can't accept that you could walk away with one of our vice commanders.
Kirito you're going have to have to fight for her with your swords more specifically your duel wielding in a duel you win we'll relieve her to you, if you lose you'll join the Knights of the blood.

Kirito: If you want to settle this with swords, Then I have no problem with that. Let's duel.

Heathcliff: Then we're at a agreement then.

Heathcliff then looks over at Monarch.

Heathcliff: And you. Monarch, I hear you posse this Split Blades skill would you be interested in joining the Knights of Blood?

Monarch: No disrespect Commander. But I have no interest in joining any type of guild.

Heathcliff: That's unfortunate to hear. I heard many great things from you and you would have made an excellent member. But I won't try any further again since I asked the first time. As for our duel, Kirito it'll be held at Floor 75, colosseum tomorrow.

The next day happens and at the Colosseum's back room.

Asuna: Jeez you stupid, reckless Idiot! why did you accept his challenge?

Kirito: Sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't think of what I gotten myself into.

Asuna: When I saw both you and Monarch with your skills from before, I thought they were on a whole new level. But the commander has his unique skill of his own.

Kirito: Yes, I seen it fist hand several times.

Monarch: His skill's perk: The Divine Blade, Boosts both attack and defense not to mention his offense is high but his defense is like it's invincible.

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now