Chapter 19: Worthy of Weilding Again (End of Calibur Arc) (Rewritten)

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No one's Pov

Everyone made their way half through the dungeon where they're against two bull humanoid monsters. but were having a hard time defeating them that both of the monsters were playing each other's roles very well.

Leafa: This is bad. The yellow one's physical resistance is too high!

Monarch: Then we're just need to hit it harder!

Klein: Dammit. If only we had a mage in our party we could use attack spells...

Asuna: I'm right here you know!

Liz: If you asked for that outcome then, the black one would be up front taking the resist damage from magic attacks.

Strea/Yui: Shock wave attack in two seconds. Impact now!

The yellow bull slammed his weapon on the ground everyone dodge the attack while Monarch grabbed Koharu out of the way.

Koharu: Thanks for the save Monarch.

Monarch: Your welcome. We always watch each other backs, partner.

Asuna begins healing everyone's HP. As The yellow bull choose it's chance to attack but Monarch and Kirito blocked it's attack.

Asuna: Kirito, Monarch! If this keeps up, I'll be out of mana in 150 seconds.

Monarch: Right. We got to end this now Kirito or Doomsday scenario comes! We'll synchronized both of our sword skills I'll do fire, you'll do wind!

Kirito: Copy!

Monarch: Everyone follow in once we do our attack!

Everyone: Got it!

Monarch rushed forward and dodge an attack from the yellow bull charged up a fire sword skill and slash it. Kirito then synced his attack with Monarch with wind which engulfed the yellow bull in flames.

Monarch: Now give it all you got!

Everyone started their assault on the yellow one full of fire, water, wind and lighting in which caused damage to it but not all.
In which everyone was stunned for a few seconds unable to move closer in which have Monarch to give more slashes at the yellow one until giving a upward katana strike to finish it off.

Then the black bull gets up and was about to attack but realized that it's vulnerable once it's ally was dead.
Everyone gave it with a fury of slashes ending it's life which they then proceed further.

Everyone was advancing forward through the dungeon as they cleared out many rooms. They then come across two girls locked up in a cage. The two girls looked up at them.

(A/N) Art belongs to Tsadeek on DeviantArt

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(A/N) Art belongs to Tsadeek on DeviantArt

???: Who are you, people?

Monarch looked at the two girls and everyone thought it was a trap.

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now