Chapter 7: The Split

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(A/N) Spoilers to the Sao IF game on Floor 61

Floor 61
No one's Pov

After Getting their custom weapons made from Liz. Monarch and Koharu are at Floor 61, with the objective from their quest related to getting the floor's boss room location.

But it became problematic that they were in a difficult situation when the two were ambushed in a quest with a NPC, lucky they defeated the attackers.

But Koharu has been marked by death. Which a mark on her neck from a spell that is called Soul Cleaving, said by the NPC that if Koharu dies then the boss would be able to be killed. Which if Koharu is still alive then the boss would revive it self over and over, over again.

Monarch: It can't be, there's no way it should be happning!

Monarch completely shocked of what he heard from the NPC just said.

As the NPC who is related to the quest, shows the two a gem called The Holy Crystal Of Transmigration. Which if the crystal was used it will transfer the holder of the mark to the user.

The NPC offered herself to perform a ritual that'll sacrifice herself to save Koharu of getting the mark off her. Where they will do it at the Altar of Rebirth.
As they were about to go Monarch and Koharu's quest log updated to give the NPC a good time of her last moments around town.

After Monarch and Koharu gave the NPC a good time, they are now at the Altar of Rebirth.
Once they were doing and in the middle of the ritual ceremony it was interrupted, as the NPC was killed by a hooded man in a black poncho.

???: One down.

Monarch draw his katana quickly as he stands in front of Koharu, and has her behind him.

Monarch: So the leader of the Laughing Coffin that wasn't present in the raid on floor 47, is here, POH. Why are you here, and why did you killed her!

POH explained his reasoning why he's here given of a quest he heard about.

POH: Well I've done my job here, I think I'll be heading back now.

Monarch: You aren't going anywhere, I'm putting a end to this you sole survivor!

POH: Judging by the look on your face, I'm to have a little more work to do here first.
A perfect opportunity to have against you, I've been worried about getting out of shape lately, bring out your shiv. I'll stay and play.

POH brought out his Mate Chopper and Monarch battle against him.
It took the two to battle it out for a while, as they both attack, dodge and defend against each other. Until they reached a standstill.

POH: Hah! looks like your attacks back up that angry face of yours! You just don't feel this malice coming from monsters! You sure that I'm the one you want to be killing right now, though?

Monarch: Yes, Isn't that the point! I been hunting down and killing all your guild members since you made the death toll rise!

POH: Besides than hunting and killing with rage. I'm sure you already know what's going on here. Or are you really just clueless? Ah, fine. I'll clue you in.
I'm talking about that women. The one that's standing with you, which both of you are protecting each other.

Monarch turned his head to what POH was referring to besides him, as Koharu had a surprised face.

POH: Hey! Keep your eyes on the prize! No woman's gonna stay with someone unfaithful for long.

POH slashes his weapon at Monarch causing him to be wounded, which he barely had enough time to react and block it.

Koharu: Monarch!

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