Chapter 18: The Crimson Blade and Excalibur (Calibur Arc) (Rewritten)

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Dec 28, 2025 Japan, Arch Residence
No one's Pov

Alex was having breakfast at his home while on video call with Suguha.

Suguha: What happened to you? Did you sleep in late.

Alex: Yeah I have, I was help Kazuto with his Mechatronics thing he's working on. Which he's likely to have Strea able to see and talk to us in the real world and Yui too can work with it.

Suguha: Anways here take a look at this article.

Suguha sent an article to his email for him to look at it.

Alex: So what the Holy Sword Excalibur has been discovered in ALO. Not something that I would be interested, but I think Kazuto would.

Suguha: Well word is that there was a rumor that a Crimson sword would be alongside with Excalibur.

Alex thought to himself that it could be anything until, it came up to him that it could be his old Katana.

Alex: Now that have peeked my interest I'm in. Guess we're going to call the others to see that their interested.
Wait how many players can fit, on Tonky's back?

Suguha: Nine.

Alex: Okay you, me, Koharu, Kirito, Asuna, Silica, Liz, Klein, and...

Suguha: Why don't we invite Sinon?

Alex: Good idea. Sinon could have in some of the fun.

Suguha: All right I'll go tell them.

In ALO Aincrad. Half of everyone were at Liz's shop waiting for their weapons to be tuned up. Which led on Klein and Sinon wanting to get their wishlist of weaponry that they want.
In which made Monarch and Kirito think that they're getting ahead of themselves of themselves of going on more raids.

Then Koharu, Asuna and Leafa walked in bringing full of restoration items.

Monarch: Ah you're here.

Klein: About time, I've been waiting!

Yui: We've gathered information while shopping. But it doesn't looks like many parties or players haven't made it to the skybox dungeon.

Koharu: It seems someone found a different quest than the one we found with Tonkii. And as the reward, an npc showed Excalibur to them.

Asuna: That quest isn't exactly pleasant which has you to do the termination quests that have you to kill more certain amount of monsters. Which made players head over to Jotunheim as a hot spot killing many as they can.

Klein: This seems odd Excalibur is sealed at the bottom of the skybox dungeon swarming with giants.
So why an Npc reveal such a quest reward that seems impossible to get up to with out freezing your wings.

Liz: Alright! all your weapons are fully restored!

Everyone grabbed their weapons and Klein brought up a debate of either that his Samurai way of using sword skill is magic or not. In which it doesn't matter to him which being backed up by Monarch's and Kirito's statement of usage of not saying incantations.


Everyone were taking a long stair way to Jotunheim as a shortcut.

Liz: How many steps are there is this endless?

Monarch: Hey stop being dramatic. It takes two hour to get to Jotunheim without getting your wings frozen and complaining about the cold. By this taking this route, it will get us there in five minutes so endure it.

Sinon: Says, the one who made this route.

Monarch then looks at Sinon's tail which gives him a smirk and he grabbed it which made her jumped up blushing like crazy.

Monarch: Well, that's because it is!

Sinon tried to hit Monarch but he dodged it and was angry.

Sinon: You do that again Monarch, I'll break your fingers and shove a fire arrow up your mouth!

Monarch: C'mon don't tell me that a Cait Sith vixen like yourself couldn't be able to be in heat around me?

Sinon: Shut up!

Silica then grabbed hold of her tail of not wanting to have her tail's fate on to Monarch's hands. While Koharu did the same too, but she thought's of grabbing Monarch's after they were done of getting Excalibur.

Koharu's Mind: Oh just wait till he'll feel that, when I grabbed hold of his.

Soon everyone called in Tonky and rode to the skybox dungeon.
While riding everyone see players below with a gaint killed one of Tonky's kind which have them thought for themselves for awhile of what's happening below. Then a large blond women appeared behind everyone.

It's turned out that's she's a NPC that asked of them to help her and her sisters, save their servants from being annihilated by a king that enlisted the players below. in which they were tasked of to go to the dungeon and pulled Excalibur to end the frozen castle to save the world of Alfheim.
They accepted in which received a quest, they then gotten to the dungeon and went inside.

End of Chapter 18

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now