Chapter 22: The Hard Truth To Hear

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No One's Pov

Three days passed since Yuuki disappeared and stop playing ALO.
Alex tried getting ahold of her but she wouldn't respond, which he have to do his own digging with Yui, Kazuto and Strea's help on finding Yuuki's location.
Which it where leads to Kohoku General Hospital, as Alex walks in and speaks to the receptionist.

Receptionist: Are you here for someone?

Alex: Yes, but I don't know her actual name.

The Receptionist looked at Monarch confused of his question.

Receptionist: I'm sorry?

Alex: Her name might be Yuuki, I think she is around 15 years old.

Receptionist: That isn't enough.

Alex: I believe she's using the Medicuboid that you're testing here.

Another Receptionist heard their conversation which she was surprised and spoke up to them.

Receptionist#2: I'm sorry but what's your name?

Alex: Alex Arch.

Receptionist#2 Please sit on a bench and wait for a minute.

Alex: Alright.

The second Receptionist head off to the back and inform someone while Alex waited for a few minutes, then a man in a lab coat walked up to him.

???: Hello, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

Alex : Not at all.

???: So you're Alex Arch yes?

Kurahashi: I'm Kurahashi. I'm Konno Yuuki's doctor.

Alex: Konno?

Kurahashi And Alex talked about how he manage to find the hospital and about Yuuki talking about Alex.
Alex knew some parts about the Medicuboid but Kurahashi gave more specifics about it which helps people with terminal illness.

Alex: Terminal?

Kurahashi tells Alex as they walked down a hall which starting with Yuuki's history. First with her birth of that her mother was given a C section during that that time she was given blood that was infected with a virus.
It was detected in September during a post transfusion. During that point her entire family had already caught it.

They reached in front of a door and it's sign said Special Measurements Lab 1
Kurahashi used his badge and opened the door. As they entered the room Kurahashi turned on the lights of the other side of the room for the observation room.

Alex was shocked of what he seen of the room holding a girl wired up to many machines and the Medicuboid.

Alex: Is she... Yuuki?

Kurahashi: Yes, she is.

Alex: Doctor, what is she infected with?

Kurahashi: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Otherwise known as AIDS.

Alex: I– my god.

Kurahashi: AIDS can be handled with early detection and can be delayed it's onset symptoms for a long time.
But this virus she's infected with is a drug resistant variant.
Her mother tried to end her life of by being despaired of her children's future but she chooses to fight it instead.

Soon After her birth, she was given multi drug therapy. It was hard for her to take alot of drugs at regular intervals.
But there are side effects, she suffered due to prejudice.

Yuuki and her family believed that she'd get better, and she did her best.
But in forth grade, her immune system suddenly collapsed.
In other words the symptoms began to hospitalize her.
Still she kept always smiling.

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