Chapter 13: The Tree of Lies (End of Fairy Dance Arc) (Rewritten)

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Jan 22, 2025 Alfheim, Arun Central Capital
No one's Pov

Alex login then he meets up with Kirito and Leafa. When they were about to head to The World Tree, as Strea and Yui detects something.

Monarch: Strea, Yui? something the matter?

Strea: It's Asuna and Koharu they're here.

Kirito: What! are you certain?!

Yui: The player IDs does belongs to Asuna and mommy. Their coordinates are right above us!

Kirito flew up at high speed.

Leafa: Onii Chan!

Monarch: Damn, hey wait!

Monarch, Strea and Leafa flew after Kirito. When they reached to Kirito, he was persistently trying to get through the barrier.

Monarch: Hey stop, get a grip of yourself Kirito! I would be in the same position as you if it was Koharu!

Kirito: I have to get up there!

Monarch: I know and we will.

Then something falls from the sky, Monarch catches it.

Kirito: What's that, a key card?

Strea touches the key card.

Strea: This is a system– admin access code?!

Monarch: What's it's doing here falling from the sky unless–

Kirito: Asuna.

Monarch: Or Koharu. Anyways Strea, Kirito and me are going in that Tree just ourselves. Leafa where's the gate that lead us inside the tree?

Leafa: It's at the dome of the tree's base. But you three won't be able to get through by it's guardians and not even biggest raid groups couldn't break through it.
But you can't really be serious about this?!

Monarch: We have to at least try for Asuna's and Koharu's sake.
Hey when this is all over I'll treat you out to cafe.

Leafa: But what if Y–

Kirito: Have trust, in us sis.

Leafa: Alright.

Monarch, Strea and Kirito flew down to the Tree's gate.

Yui: Daddy are you sure about this? Based on the information breaking through the gate is going to be difficult.

Monarch: It's our only choice that we have to try.

Yui: Alright if you say so.

Monarch: Don't worry have faith in your Father's abilities.

Yui: Okay let's do it.

The three drew their swords as the gate opened.

Monarch: Together?

Kirito: Till the end.

Monarch, Strea and Kirito flew into the gate as guardians spawns in and attacks the two.
Monarch, Strea and Kirito gave all they got against the guardians and was making progress until they were overwhelmed. As, Kirito was the first to go down.

Monarch: Kirito!

Monarch deflects an arrow that was fired at him and he went to get Kirito's Remain light but was hit by arrows leaving Monarch to fend for himself.

Monarch knows that he'll be overwhelmed if takes his chances retreating to retrieve Kirito or keep defending himself which would get Strea to fall in battle.

Then Leafa came to their rescue and grabs Kirito's Remain light while Monarch and Strea follows Leafa while guarding their rearguard in their retreat until they mange to get out.

The Crimson Ghost: Sword Art Online x Oc Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now