Chapter 1

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Once again this book is not mine, 100% credits go to the original author. This has all the original "Authors Notes" so none of that is me lol.


The first time Camila caught Lauren Jauregui's intense gaze, it was at a wizarding duel.  She had heard Dinah, her best friend of hers, criticize the Slytherins many times before.

She often returned from the duel club with at least one despicable story to tell about them, and in the middle of the story she always popped up that girl's name.

The list of reasons why her friend seemed to hate her was really long: first, once, that cursed Slytherin had grown two huge horns on her head, and then she had that annoying grin that remained imprinted on her face for the most part of time, and which gave her an extremely irritating air.

Camila had never bothered to ask Dinah why she hated her;  Lauren was a Slytherin after all, and while Camila wasn't one to be impressed by the stereotypes assigned to rival houses, she couldn't deny that many Slytherins really lived up to their reputation.

In fact, in her previous years at Hogwarts, she had been subjected to a lot of torture by the students of the Green House. Well ... let's say that when someone described a Slytherin as not a very nice person, she Camila tended to take his word for it.

It was Saturday and for some reason everyone had decided that the duel of wizards was the most interesting thing to participate in that day.

Camila and Ally, one of her friends from the Hufflepuff house, were approaching at a brisk pace towards the Great Hall.

The Gryffindors were a very close-knit group, and while Camila enjoyed supporting her team, she found that their pride level was often a little too high.

I mean, isn't clapping for someone hurting another person a little over the top? Apparently in the eyes of his companions it was not at all, who were cheering as they entered the hall, while one of them flew a Ravenclaw off the duel track.

Camila was sure the boy had broken something, but the crowd of Gryffindors cheering the winner obscured her view, and she could barely catch a glimpse of the poor boy's friends helping him up.

When the crowd regrouped, Dinah began to prepare for the next shift. As she took the stage, everything about her radiated determination.

Lauren Jauregui stood on the other side of the dance floor, with a confident demeanor, while her best friend, not that Slytherin's Quidditch captain, Normani Kordei, yelled something encouraging beside her.

The odious dig that Lauren threw at Dinah before receiving the order to take a position, was enough for Camila to quickly join the cheering of the Gryffindors and shout at her friend the most varied encouragement of her. For that shift, she longed to see that Slytherin fail.

The duel began and it didn't take Lauren long to prove herself exactly as her friend described her. The way she insulted the Polynesian made Camila want to take her magic wand and throw a curse at her.

In any case, Lauren was visibly good: she repelled Dinah's attacks with ease and fired back spells without thinking for a second. Camila should have been impressed by her performance, but she didn't understand much about these things, in fact, to tell the truth she didn't understand anything at all.

That girl was so arrogant that with just one glance she made you regret being born.

"Flipendo!" Dinah's spell hit Lauren straight in the chest, causing her to fall backwards to the edge of the track.

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