Chapter 18

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Summer holidays got off to a great start for Camila: back home to her family with Nala in one hand and a huge suitcase in the other, she spent a whole month immersed in non-magical activities, visiting old friends, organizing barbeques in the garden and trying to make up for all the time she had spent away from Sofi.

Lauren was always in her thoughts, she wanted to call her, hear her voice, but Normani's words had warned her and she had no intention of ruining everything. Being away from the walls of that castle was perhaps really good for her at that moment, let's say that the summer holidays had never arrived more punctual than this.

Little Sofi proved to be a nice distraction from all the problems in her life, she was in fact starting to show the first signs of magic.

Camila noticed it on a hot June afternoon: she was sitting in the garden with her little sister, when suddenly the little house where they used to play as little girls disappeared. Little Sofi widened her eyes surprised at her and began to get angry with her sister, believing that this was trying to make fun of her.

When Camila explained to her that it was she who had made her disappear, Sofi started jumping excitedly all over the lawn and it was really difficult to calm her down.

Camila had never thought about it before her, but the idea that her sister too could become a witch worried her a lot. Her parents were also alarmed at hearing that news, but deep down they were happy not to have to ruin her dream of going to Hogwarts.

Camila also met often with her classmates, except for Dinah and Zendaya who were busy with the Quidditch program.  Ally, Taylor, Karlie and Selena had just graduated from high school and Gryffindor wanted to spend as much time with them as possible before school and work separated them forever.

Hailee was also sad at the thought of spending the last year without her best friends, but she and Camila promised each other that they would do what they could to enjoy every moment of that adventure together.


One day Camila got a message from Lauren and was really surprised, as after all that time away from each other, she imagined that the Slytherin had eliminated her number.  But then the cell phone screen lit up and her name appeared in the background.

Camila was with her friends at the time, who knew nothing of their relationship, so she made sure none of them were watching her and she opened the message.

L: Are you free tonight?

Camila stared in disbelief at the bright screen, aware of what she was actually asking her older girl, but still hoping that the need wasn't just something physical.

She then she remembered what Normani had told her and deleted her message.

The girl got up, apologized to her friends and headed out of the room.

The phone rang a couple of times before Lauren's hoarse voice answered, and at that point Camila's stomach bounced in her throat and she immediately regretted her decision.


Camila was frozen in place, the phone to her ear and her mouth open, like an idiot.


"Hey," Lauren replied "You know you could have just sent a-"

"I don't think it's a good idea."

She blurted out and her heart broke at the thought that she had just ended the one bond that still existed between them. But again she tried to remind herself of Normani's words: if she wanted to have the chance to get back with Lauren, she had to end up with her for good.

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